
在 pfSense 中,組 ACL 螢幕中的“目標類別”和“非工作時間的目標類別”列的含義是什麼?

  • June 29, 2016

在螢幕的 pfSense 2.3.1 中的 SquidGuard 中,在和Groups ACL中有兩列。行中的每個值都有值、和。Target Rules List Target Categories``Target Categories for off-time``allow``deny``whitelist``---


弄清楚了。在查看生成的程式碼並參考 Squid Guardian 網站的一些範例後,我很清楚該Target Categories列包含當 acl 在指定時間段內時應用的黑名單/白名單規則,並且Target Categories for off-time是黑名單/ 當 acl 超出指定時間段時應用的白名單規則。


複製Target Rules文本說明一切(前提是您已經保存了它,更改值時它不會自動更新……)


<black-lists applied inside time frame> all|deny [ <black-lists applied outside time frame> all|deny ]


  • 括號外的任何內容都是在時間範圍內應用的內容。

    • <black-lists applied inside time frame>
  • 括號內的任何內容都是在時間範圍之外應用的內容。

    • <black-lists applied inside time frame>
  • 最後的allordeny表示在其餘列表沒有命中(從左到右)執行後,您是要允許訪問所有其他站點,還是要拒絕所有其他站點?


Applies to all specified black lists
! = Deny
 = allow
^ = whitelist


現在我想我有點過於復雜了(必須有一個不那麼冗長的語法),如果我了解更多關於允許而不是白名單語法的知識,那麼會有一些方法可以使用預設值,但我沒有t 調查過,所以這就是我的理解:


  • blk_BL_adv
  • blk_BL_aggressive
  • blk_BL_約會
  • blk_BL_drugs
  • blk_BL_gamble
  • blk_BL_hacking
  • blk_BL_movies
  • blk_BL_news
  • blk_BL_politics
  • blk_BL_porn
  • blk_BL_radiotv
  • blk_BL_socialnet
  • blk_BL_spyware
  • blk_BL_warez



[ !blk_BL_adv !blk_BL_aggressive !blk_BL_dating !blk_BL_drugs !blk_BL_gamble !blk_BL_hacking !blk_BL_movies !blk_BL_news !blk_BL_politics !blk_BL_porn !blk_BL_radiotv !blk_BL_socialnet !blk_BL_spyware !blk_BL_warez all ] 

請注意,只有!(拒絕)和沒有 (allow) and no ^ (whitelist)


Now suppose that during the time period we would like to allow access to the following, but still keep our off-time blacklist rules in play:

  • blk_BL_movies
  • blk_BL_news
  • blk_BL_politics
  • blk_BL_socialnet

Then we copy the values from our off-time list and replace the ! (deny) with ^ (whitelist) on only the entries listed above. The rest of them remain ! deny.

The list outside the brackets then becomes

!blk_BL_adv !blk_BL_aggressive !blk_BL_dating !blk_BL_drugs !blk_BL_gamble !blk_BL_hacking ^blk_BL_movies ^blk_BL_news ^blk_BL_politics !blk_BL_porn !blk_BL_radiotv ^blk_BL_socialnet !blk_BL_spyware !blk_BL_warez all

…and also there is an all at the end to of the list to allow the rest of the sites.

So when we throw it all together we have:

!blk_BL_adv !blk_BL_aggressive !blk_BL_dating !blk_BL_drugs !blk_BL_gamble !blk_BL_hacking ^blk_BL_movies ^blk_BL_news ^blk_BL_politics !blk_BL_porn !blk_BL_radiotv ^blk_BL_socialnet !blk_BL_spyware !blk_BL_warez all [ !blk_BL_adv !blk_BL_aggressive !blk_BL_dating !blk_BL_drugs !blk_BL_gamble !blk_BL_hacking !blk_BL_movies !blk_BL_news !blk_BL_politics !blk_BL_porn !blk_BL_radiotv !blk_BL_socialnet !blk_BL_spyware !blk_BL_warez all ] 

and that’s what gets stored as the value of the Target Rules box.

When I was trying to figure this out, I unknowingly found myself in vim replicating the same two lists that make up the GUI by taking the value of Target Rules, splitting it into the lists inside and outside the brackets, and taking each of the flat lists and placing them vertically beside one another, then I realized what was going on.`
