sudo apt dist-upgrade 嘗試安裝第三方 ppa 中不存在的軟體包
我在我的 ubuntu 20.04 中安裝了 parrotOS PPA,所以我可以輕鬆安裝和更新黑客工具。
- 如果一個工具同時存在於 ubuntu ppa 和 parrotOS ppa 中,它將從 ubuntu 安裝(所以我將
ubuntu 更改為高於 parrot)內容
:Package: * Pin: release o=Parrot Pin-Priority: 500 Package: * Pin: release o=Debian Pin-Priority: 700 Package: * Pin: release o=Kali Pin-Priority: 50 Package: * Pin: release o=Ubuntu Pin-Priority: 1001
sudo apt dist-upgrade
操作時,apt 正在嘗試將 parrotOS PPA 中的工具更新到鏡像中不存在的版本。執行命令後的摘錄:
Deseja continuar? [S/n] S #note the Y/n option to continue with upgrade Err:1 https://mirrors.up.pt/parrot rolling/main amd64 codium amd64 1.60.0-1630974030 404 Not Found [IP: 2001:690:2200:1200::15 443] Err:2 https://mirrors.up.pt/parrot rolling/non-free amd64 oracle-instantclient-basic amd64 404 Not Found [IP: 2001:690:2200:1200::15 443] Err:3 https://mirrors.up.pt/parrot rolling/main amd64 metasploit-framework amd64 6.1.2-0parrot1 404 Not Found [IP: 2001:690:2200:1200::15 443]
在 url 之後,文件不存在,最新的 codium 版本是codium_1.56.2-1620951495_amd64.deb。
:2139 packages installed, of which: 1877 receive package updates with LTS until 4/2025 247 could receive security updates with ESM Apps until 4/2030 14 packages are from third parties 1 package is no longer available for download Packages from third parties are not provided by the official Ubuntu archive, for example packages from Personal Package Archives in Launchpad. For more information on the packages, run 'ubuntu-security-status --thirdparty'. Packages that are not available for download may be left over from a previous release of Ubuntu, may have been installed directly from a .deb file, or are from a source which has been disabled. For more information on the packages, run 'ubuntu-security-status --unavailable'. Enable Extended Security Maintenance (ESM Apps) to get 1 security update (so far) and enable coverage of 247 packages. This machine is not attached to an Ubuntu Advantage subscription. See https://ubuntu.com/advantage
sudo apt update
:(將文本翻譯成英文)Atg:1 http://pt.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu focal InRelease Atg:2 http://pt.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu focal-updates InRelease Atg:3 http://pt.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu focal-backports InRelease Atg:4 http://packages.microsoft.com/repos/code stable InRelease Atg:5 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu focal-security InRelease Atg:6 https://repo.pritunl.com/stable/apt focal InRelease Atg:7 https://packages.microsoft.com/repos/ms-teams stable InRelease Atg:8 https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling InRelease Atg:9 https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling-security InRelease Reading package list... building dependency tree... Reading state information... 36 packets can be upgraded. run 'apt list --upgradable' to see them.
這是您的鏡像的問題,而不是您的 pin 設置的問題:該文件列在packages list 中,並且確實從repo中失去