
如何在 libcurl 中啟用 rsync?

  • January 14, 2021


libcurl 中不支持或禁用協議 rsync

這一直困擾著我一段時間,但我不記得我做了什麼導致它(Pacman 只是從http伺服器下載,所以我已經能夠忽略它)。我兩者都rsync安裝libcurl了,而且它們顯然以前一起玩得很好。我找不到任何libcurl或配置文件,也沒有在頁面中curl提及。我該如何啟用?rsync``man``rsync

libcurl 不支持 rsync 協議。

來自 libcurl常見問題解答第 3.21 節

  3.21 Protocol xxx not supported or disabled in libcurl

  When passing on a URL to curl to use, it may respond that the particular
  protocol is not supported or disabled. The particular way this error message
  is phrased is because curl doesn't make a distinction internally of whether
  a particular protocol is not supported (i.e. never got any code added that
  knows how to speak that protocol) or if it was explicitly disabled. curl can
  be built to only support a given set of protocols, and the rest would then
  be disabled or not supported.

  Note that this error will also occur if you pass a wrongly spelled protocol
  part as in "htpt://" or as in the less evident case if you prefix
  the protocol part with a space as in "".

libcurl 根本不知道 rsync 協議,甚至沒有提示。但是,由於它旨在從 URL 中的指示符“猜測”協議,因此嘗試使用rsync://blah.blah會給你看到的錯誤,因為它猜測你的意思是“rsync”,但它不知道那個,所以它返回錯誤。


Libcurl 確實支持一組令人印象深刻的協議,但 rsync 不是其中之一。
