為熱節流設置臨界 CPU 溫度
,我的 CPU 核心的臨界溫度為 100°C。使用我的筆記型電腦時,它永遠不會超過 95°C(所以要麼我的感測器有缺陷,要麼出於某種原因將熱節流設置為較低的值,但這並不重要)。我有一個 Intel i7 並且 thermod.service 已啟動並正在執行,並且我在 Arch Linux 上。但是 95°C 太熱了,我想降低這個值。我想在 75 或 80°C 時進行熱節流。我認為這很簡單,但顯然 Google 上的資訊很少,而且 thermod 的配置也缺少文件。
dbus-send --system --dest=org.freedesktop.thermald /org/freedesktop/thermald org.freedesktop.thermald.SetUserPassiveTemperature string:cpu uint32:80000
仍然使溫度達到 95。那麼如何降低發生熱節流的值呢?
通過 shellscript 有一個 hack 解決方案:https ://
#!/bin/bash # Usage: max_temp # USE CELSIUS TEMPERATURES. # version 2.20 cat << EOF Author: Sepero 2016 (sepero 111 @ gmx . com) URL: EOF # Additional Links # # Additional Credits # Wolfgang Ocker <weo AT weo1 DOT de> - Patch for unspecified cpu frequencies. # License: GNU GPL 2.0 # Generic function for printing an error and exiting. err_exit () { echo "" echo "Error: $@" 1>&2 exit 128 } if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then # If temperature wasn't given, then print a message and exit. echo "Please supply a maximum desired temperature in Celsius." 1>&2 echo "For example: ${0} 60" 1>&2 exit 2 else #Set the first argument as the maximum desired temperature. MAX_TEMP=$1 fi ### START Initialize Global variables. # The frequency will increase when low temperature is reached. LOW_TEMP=$((MAX_TEMP - 5)) CORES=$(nproc) # Get number of CPU cores. echo -e "Number of CPU cores detected: $CORES\n" CORES=$((CORES - 1)) # Subtract 1 from $CORES for easier counting later. # Temperatures internally are calculated to the thousandth. MAX_TEMP=${MAX_TEMP}000 LOW_TEMP=${LOW_TEMP}000 FREQ_FILE="/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_available_frequencies" FREQ_MIN="/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_min_freq" FREQ_MAX="/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_max_freq" # Store available cpu frequencies in a space separated string FREQ_LIST. if [ -f $FREQ_FILE ]; then # If $FREQ_FILE exists, get frequencies from it. FREQ_LIST=$(cat $FREQ_FILE) || err_exit "Could not read available cpu frequencies from file $FREQ_FILE" elif [ -f $FREQ_MIN -a -f $FREQ_MAX ]; then # Else if $FREQ_MIN and $FREQ_MAX exist, generate a list of frequencies between them. FREQ_LIST=$(seq $(cat $FREQ_MAX) -100000 $(cat $FREQ_MIN)) || err_exit "Could not compute available cpu frequencies" else err_exit "Could not determine available cpu frequencies" fi FREQ_LIST_LEN=$(echo $FREQ_LIST | wc -w) # CURRENT_FREQ will save the index of the currently used frequency in FREQ_LIST. CURRENT_FREQ=2 # This is a list of possible locations to read the current system temperature. TEMPERATURE_FILES=" /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone1/temp /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone2/temp /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/temp1_input /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon1/temp1_input /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon2/temp1_input /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/device/temp1_input /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon1/device/temp1_input /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon2/device/temp1_input null " # Store the first temperature location that exists in the variable TEMP_FILE. # The location stored in $TEMP_FILE will be used for temperature readings. for file in $TEMPERATURE_FILES; do TEMP_FILE=$file [ -f $TEMP_FILE ] && break done [ $TEMP_FILE == "null" ] && err_exit "The location for temperature reading was not found." ### END Initialize Global variables. ### START define script functions. # Set the maximum frequency for all cpu cores. set_freq () { # From the string FREQ_LIST, we choose the item at index CURRENT_FREQ. FREQ_TO_SET=$(echo $FREQ_LIST | cut -d " " -f $CURRENT_FREQ) echo $FREQ_TO_SET for i in $(seq 0 $CORES); do # Try to set core frequency by writing to /sys/devices. { echo $FREQ_TO_SET 2> /dev/null > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu$i/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq; } || # Else, try to set core frequency using command cpufreq-set. { cpufreq-set -c $i --max $FREQ_TO_SET > /dev/null; } || # Else, return error message. { err_exit "Failed to set frequency CPU core$i. Run script as Root user. Some systems may require to install the package cpufrequtils."; } done } # Will reduce the frequency of cpus if possible. throttle () { if [ $CURRENT_FREQ -lt $FREQ_LIST_LEN ]; then CURRENT_FREQ=$((CURRENT_FREQ + 1)) echo -n "throttle " set_freq $CURRENT_FREQ fi } # Will increase the frequency of cpus if possible. unthrottle () { if [ $CURRENT_FREQ -ne 1 ]; then CURRENT_FREQ=$((CURRENT_FREQ - 1)) echo -n "unthrottle " set_freq $CURRENT_FREQ fi } get_temp () { # Get the system temperature. TEMP=$(cat $TEMP_FILE) } ### END define script functions. echo "Initialize to max CPU frequency" unthrottle # Main loop while true; do get_temp # Gets the current temperature and set it to the variable TEMP. if [ $TEMP -gt $MAX_TEMP ]; then # Throttle if too hot. throttle elif [ $TEMP -le $LOW_TEMP ]; then # Unthrottle if cool. unthrottle fi sleep 3 # The amount of time between checking temperatures. done