所以我試圖改變我的fish shell終端提示,但每次我改變任何太複雜的東西(除了顏色變化和重新排列提示),它都會變成空白。
我正在執行 Arch Linux。
但是有一個有效的,Visual Studio 程式碼中的終端仿真器。
我已經嘗試了盡可能多的隨機不同提示,但除了 Visual Studio 程式碼之外,所有提示都只會在任何地方看起來都是空白的。
# name: sashimi function fish_prompt set -l last_status $status set -l cyan (set_color -o cyan) set -l yellow (set_color -o yellow) set -g red (set_color -o red) set -g blue (set_color -o blue) set -l green (set_color -o green) set -g normal (set_color normal) set -l ahead (_git_ahead) set -g whitespace ' ' if test $last_status = 0 set initial_indicator "$green◆" set status_indicator "$normal❯$cyan❯$green❯" else set initial_indicator "$red✖ $last_status" set status_indicator "$red❯$red❯$red❯" end set -l cwd $cyan(basename (prompt_pwd)) if [ (_git_branch_name) ] if test (_git_branch_name) = 'master' set -l git_branch (_git_branch_name) set git_info "$normal git:($red$git_branch$normal)" else set -l git_branch (_git_branch_name) set git_info "$normal git:($blue$git_branch$normal)" end if [ (_is_git_dirty) ] set -l dirty "$yellow ✗" set git_info "$git_info$dirty" end end # Notify if a command took more than 5 minutes if [ "$CMD_DURATION" -gt 300000 ] echo The last command took (math "$CMD_DURATION/1000") seconds. end echo -n -s $initial_indicator $whitespace $cwd $git_info $whitespace $ahead $status_indicator $whitespace end function _git_ahead set -l commits (command git rev-list --left-right '@{upstream}...HEAD' ^/dev/null) if [ $status != 0 ] return end set -l behind (count (for arg in $commits; echo $arg; end | grep '^<')) set -l ahead (count (for arg in $commits; echo $arg; end | grep -v '^<')) switch "$ahead $behind" case '' # no upstream case '0 0' # equal to upstream return case '* 0' # ahead of upstream echo "$blue↑$normal_c$ahead$whitespace" case '0 *' # behind upstream echo "$red↓$normal_c$behind$whitespace" case '*' # diverged from upstream echo "$blue↑$normal$ahead $red↓$normal_c$behind$whitespace" end end function _git_branch_name echo (command git symbolic-ref HEAD ^/dev/null | sed -e 's|^refs/heads/||') end function _is_git_dirty echo (command git status -s --ignore-submodules=dirty ^/dev/null) end
這是 fish 中的一個錯誤,它是通過使用非 ASCII 字元和不支持 unicode 的語言環境觸發的。
將您的語言環境設置為可以處理 UTF-8 的內容(即不是預設的“C”)