
嘗試將簡單的 C 程序轉換為 AWK 程序

  • November 18, 2015

大家好,幾週前我編寫了一個 C 程序,它提示使用者輸入文本文件的名稱,然後提示使用者輸入單詞。然後程序將輸入的文本文件輸出為文本左側的數字,並輸出該單詞在文本文件中出現的次數。它還輸出單詞所在的匹配行號。



Enter the pattern to search for: Bond

File contents:

1) Secret agent Bond had been warned not to tangle with Goldfinger.

2) But the super-criminal's latest obsession was too strong, too dangerous.

3) He had to be stopped.

4) Goldfinger was determined to take possession of half the supply of

5) mined gold in the world--to rob Fort Knox!

6) For this incredible venture he had enlisted the aid of the top

7) criminals in the U.S.A, including a bevy of beautiful thieves from the

8) Bronx. And it would take all of Bond's unique talents to make it fail--

9) as fail it must.

There is a match on line 1

There is a match on line 8

'Bond' appeared 2 times in the file bond.txt.

目前,我正在嘗試通過重複我在 C 中執行的程序但使用 awk 來練習 awk 程式。


   printf("Enter filename : ")
   getline file < "-"
   while((getline < file)) {
       {print "File Contents:"}
       {printf("%5d) %s\n", NR,$0)}


$ awk '/Bond/{c++; print "There is a match on line " NR} END{print "\"Bond\" appeared " c " times in the file " FILENAME}' bond.txt
There is a match on line 1
There is a match on line 8
"Bond" appeared 2 times in the file bond.txt


awk 隱式循環所有輸入行。

  • /Bond/{c++; print "There is a match on line " NR}

對於匹配 regex 的行Bond,計數器c會增加並列印一條消息,顯示匹配所在的行。在 awk 中,到目前為止讀取的行數是NR.

  • END{print "\"Bond\" appeared " c " times in the file " FILENAME}




awk '

   print "There is a match on line " NR

   print "\"Bond\" appeared " c " times in the file " FILENAME
' bond.txt



$ awk 'FNR==NR{printf("%5d) %s\n", NR,$0);next} /Bond/{c++; print "There is a match on line " FNR} END{print "\"Bond\" appeared " c " times in the file " FILENAME}' bond.txt{,}
   1) Secret agent Bond had been warned not to tangle with Goldfinger.
   2) But the super-criminal's latest obsession was too strong, too dangerous.
   3) He had to be stopped.
   4) Goldfinger was determined to take possession of half the supply of
   5) mined gold in the world--to rob Fort Knox!
   6) For this incredible venture he had enlisted the aid of the top
   7) criminals in the U.S.A, including a bevy of beautiful thieves from the
   8) Bronx. And it would take all of Bond's unique talents to make it fail--
   9) as fail it must.
There is a match on line 1
There is a match on line 8
"Bond" appeared 2 times in the file bond.txt

以上與第一個版本有兩個不同之處。首先,該文件在命令行上提供了兩次 asbond.txt bond.txt或者,使用 bash大括號擴展技巧, as bond.txt{,}.


FNR==NR{printf("%5d) %s\n", NR,$0);next}

FNR==NR僅當NR 是到目前為止讀取的總行數且 FNR 是從目前文件讀取的行數時才執行此命令。所以,當 時FNR==NR,我們第一次讀取文件。然後我們printf格式化輸出並跳轉到該next行,跳過腳本中的其餘命令。



$ awk '{printf("%5d) %s\n", NR,$0)} /Bond/{c++; s=s ORS "There is a match on line " FNR} END{print s; print "\"Bond\" appeared " c " times in the file " FILENAME}' bond.txt
   1) Secret agent Bond had been warned not to tangle with Goldfinger.
   2) But the super-criminal's latest obsession was too strong, too dangerous.
   3) He had to be stopped.
   4) Goldfinger was determined to take possession of half the supply of
   5) mined gold in the world--to rob Fort Knox!
   6) For this incredible venture he had enlisted the aid of the top
   7) criminals in the U.S.A, including a bevy of beautiful thieves from the
   8) Bronx. And it would take all of Bond's unique talents to make it fail--
   9) as fail it must.

There is a match on line 1
There is a match on line 8
"Bond" appeared 2 times in the file bond.txt
