我在執行 Ubuntu 16.04 的筆記型電腦上使用 Deja Dup(Ubuntu 的標準備份應用程序)進行每日備份。創建備份需要大量電力,這就是為什麼我只希望在筆記型電腦連接到電源時自動啟動備份。
此外,我不希望從本地時間 8:00 到 9:45(24 小時制)(即 CET/CEST)自動啟動備份。
deja-dup --backup
nice -n 19 deja-dup --backup
當然,其他讓 Deja Dup 啟動備份的方法也是可以接受的。
當然,我可以通過編寫完全符合我要求的程序或腳本來強制解決問題。但是,它是 Linux,可能有一種更簡單、更優雅的方式。我想它可能仍然會產生一個腳本,但它可能比我在強迫我找到解決方案時想出的更短、更優雅。但請不要用這個打高爾夫球。:D
首先,安裝 PHP 命令行界面,例如通過
sudo apt install php-cli
我假設安裝了 PHP 7。如果您使用 PHP 5,請
: int
#!/usr/bin/php <?php // CONFIGURATION /** * The command to execute to create a backup. */ define('backupCommand', 'nice -n 19 deja-dup --backup'); /** * The minumem period of time between 2 backups in seconds. */ define('minimumBackupSeparation', 20*3600); /** * The minimum time between 2 checks of whether a backup should be created in * seconds. Only positive integers are permitted. */ define('minimumWaitingTime', 300); /** * The path of the file in which the time stamp of the lasted back is stored. */ define('latestBackupTimestampFile', 'latestBackupTimestamp'); // END OF CONFIGURATION // Checking for root. if(posix_getuid() == 0) { die('Backup script runs as root. This is probably a bad idea. Aborting.'."\n"); } if(minimumWaitingTime !== (int) minimumWaitingTime) { die('Configuration error: Minumem waiting time must be an int!'."\n"); } if(minimumWaitingTime < 1) { die('Configuration error: Minimum waiting time too small!'."\n"); } while(true) { $timeUntilNextBackup = determineTimeUntilBackup(); if($timeUntilNextBackup === 0) { createBackup(); continue; } if($timeUntilNextBackup < 0) { $timeUntilNextBackup = minimumWaitingTime; } sleep($timeUntilNextBackup); } /** * Returns a non-negative int when waiting for a point in time, a negative int * otherwise. If a backups should have been created at a point in the past, * `0` is returned. */ function determineTimeUntilBackup() : int { $latestBackup = 0; if(file_exists(latestBackupTimestampFile)) { $fileContents = file_get_contents(latestBackupTimestampFile); if($fileContents != (int) $fileContents) { die('Error: The latest backup timestamp file unexpectedly doesn\'t ' .'contain a timestamp.'."\n"); } $latestBackup = (int) $fileContents; } $idealTimeUntilNextBackup = $latestBackup + minimumBackupSeparation - time(); if($idealTimeUntilNextBackup < 0) { $idealTimeUntilNextBackup = 0; } $batteryStateReading = exec("upower -i `upower -e | grep 'BAT'` | grep 'state'"); if(empty($batteryStateReading)) { echo 'Unable to read battery state!'."\n"; } else { if(strpos($batteryStateReading, 'discharging') !== false) { // Not connected to power. return -1; } } return $idealTimeUntilNextBackup; } /** * Creates a backup and notes it in the latest backup timestamp file. */ function createBackup() { file_put_contents(latestBackupTimestampFile, time()); exec(backupCommand); }
chmod 755 backup.php
然後,將該文件添加到啟動應用程序。如何完成取決於您的發行版。對於 Ubuntu,從破折號打開“啟動應用程序”並創建一個新條目。作為命令,只需輸入您在上面創建的文件的路徑。
#!/usr/bin/php <?php // CONFIGURATION /** * The command to execute to create a backup. */ define('backupCommand', 'nice -n 19 deja-dup --backup'); /** * The minumem period of time between 2 backups in seconds. */ define('minimumBackupSeparation', 20*3600); /** * The minimum time between 2 checks of whether a backup should be created in * seconds. Only positive integers are permitted. */ define('minimumWaitingTime', 300); /** * The path of the file in which the time stamp of the lasted back is stored. */ define('latestBackupTimestampFile', 'latestBackupTimestamp'); // END OF CONFIGURATION // Checking for root. if(posix_getuid() == 0) { die('Backup script runs as root. This is probably a bad idea. Aborting.'."\n"); } if(minimumWaitingTime !== (int) minimumWaitingTime) { die('Configuration error: Minumem waiting time must be an int!'."\n"); } if(minimumWaitingTime < 1) { die('Configuration error: Minimum waiting time too small!'."\n"); } // Don't back up within 5 minutes after bootup. sleep(5*60); while(true) { $timeUntilNextBackup = determineTimeUntilBackup(); echo $timeUntilNextBackup."\n"; if($timeUntilNextBackup === 0) { createBackup(); continue; } if($timeUntilNextBackup < 0) { $timeUntilNextBackup = minimumWaitingTime; } sleep($timeUntilNextBackup); } /** * Returns a non-negative int when waiting for a point in time, a negative int * otherwise. If a backups should have been created at a point in the past, * `0` is returned. */ function determineTimeUntilBackup() : int { $latestBackup = 0; if(file_exists(latestBackupTimestampFile)) { $fileContents = file_get_contents(latestBackupTimestampFile); if($fileContents != (int) $fileContents) { die('Error: The latest backup timestamp file unexpectedly doesn\'t ' .'contain a timestamp.'."\n"); } $latestBackup = (int) $fileContents; } $idealTimeUntilNextBackup = $latestBackup + minimumBackupSeparation - time(); if($idealTimeUntilNextBackup < 0) { $idealTimeUntilNextBackup = 0; } $batteryStateReading = exec("acpi -a"); if(strpos($batteryStateReading, 'on-line') === false) { // Not connected to power. return -1; } return $idealTimeUntilNextBackup; } /** * Creates a backup and notes it in the latest backup timestamp file. */ function createBackup() { file_put_contents(latestBackupTimestampFile, time()); exec(backupCommand); }
:sudo apt install acpi
我能想到的最優雅的解決方案是設置一個 crontab,它可以調整為每天在特定時間範圍內執行一次備份腳本。
root@debian:/home/gv/Desktop/PythonTests# upower -i /org/freedesktop/UPower/devices/line_power_AC |grep online online: yes
onpower=$(upower -i /org/freedesktop/UPower/devices/line_power_AC |grep online |awk -F " " '{print $NF}') if [[ "$onpower" == "yes" ]];then deja-dup --backup fi