帶有彩色輸出的命令 ( )。根據watch
, 命令我應該能夠使用該--color
phpunit | cat
命令的問題)。作為替代方案,以下 bash 腳本方法對我很有用:
#!/bin/bash while true; do (echo -en '\033[H' CMD="$@" bash -c "$CMD" | while read LINE; do echo -n "$LINE" echo -e '\033[0K' done echo -en '\033[J') | tac | tac sleep 2 done
$ botch my-command
這是我的實現,它是一個 bash 腳本,但很容易將其轉換為函式(將“退出”更改為“返回”)
#!/bin/bash trap ctrl_c INT function ctrl_c() { echo -en "\033[?7h" #Enable line wrap echo -e "\033[?25h" #Enable cursor exit 0 } function print_usage() { echo echo ' Usage: cwatch [sleep time] "command"' echo ' Example: cwatch "ls -la"' echo } if [ $# -eq 0 ] || [ $# -gt 2 ] then print_usage exit 1 fi SLEEPTIME=1 if [ $# -eq 2 ] then SLEEPTIME=${1} if [[ $SLEEPTIME = *[[:digit:]]* ]] then shift else print_usage exit 1 fi fi CMD="${1}" echo -en "\033[?7l" #Disable line wrap echo -en "\033[?25l" #Disable cursor while (true) do (echo -en "\033[H" #Sets the cursor position where subsequent text will begin echo -e "Every ${SLEEPTIME},0s: '\033[1;36m${CMD}\033[0m'\033[0K" echo -e "\033[0K" #Erases from the current cursor position to the end of the current line BASH_ENV=~/.bashrc bash -O expand_aliases -c "${CMD}" | while IFS='' read -r LINE do echo -n "${LINE}" echo -e "\033[0K" #Erases from the current cursor position to the end of the current line done #echo -en "\033[J") | tac | tac #Erases the screen from the current line down to the bottom of the screen echo -en "\033[J") #Erases the screen from the current line down to the bottom of the screen sleep ${SLEEPTIME} done