我正在嘗試創建一個腳本來交換目前目錄中符號連結的位置和另一個(相對)目錄中的目標文件。不幸的是,我不知道如何在非本地目錄中創建連結並蒐索“ln -s”上的資訊僅檢索簡單的案例使用。我意識到我可以“cd”到腳本中的另一個目錄,但我認為必須有一種更“優雅”的方式。
#!/bin/bash # # Script to help organize repositories. # Finds local links and swaps them with their target. # # Expects 1 arguments if [ "$#" -ne 1 ]; then echo "Error in $0: Need 1 arguments: <SYMBOLICLINK>"; exit 1; fi LINK="$1"; LINKBASE="$(basename "$LINK")"; LINKDIR="$(dirname "$LINK")"; LINKBASEBKUP="$LINK-bkup"; TARGET="$(readlink "$LINK")"; TARGETBASE="$(basename "$TARGET")"; TARGETDIR="$(dirname "$TARGET")"; echo "Link: $LINK"; echo "Target: $TARGET"; #Test for broken link # test if symlink is broken (by seeing if it links to an existing file) if [ -h "$LINK" -a ! -e "$LINK" ] ; then echo "Symlink $LINK is broken."; echo "Exiting\n"; exit 1; fi mv -f "$TARGET" "/tmp/."; # printf "$TARGET copied to /tmp/\n" || exit 1; mv -f "$LINK" "/tmp/$LINKBASEBKUP";# && # printf "$LINKBASE copied to /tmp/$LINKBASEBKUP\n"; # || # { printf "Exiting"; exit 1; } # and alternative way to check errors # [ $? -neq 0 ] && printf "Copy $LINK to $REFDIRNEW failed\nExiting" mv "/tmp/$TARGETBASE" "$LINK"; #what was a link is now a file (target) ln -s "$LINK" "$TARGET"; #link is target and target is link if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "Success!"; exit 0 else echo "Couldn't make link to new target. Restoring link and target and exiting"; mv "/tmp/$LINKBASEBKUP" "$LINK"; mv "/tmp/$TARGETBASE" "$TARGET"; exit 1; fi
假設您使用的是 GNU 工具,您可以確定連結和目標的絕對路徑,並使用
ln -r
#!/bin/bash link=$(realpath -s "$1") # absolute path to link target=$(realpath "$1") # absolute path to target mv -vf "$link"{,.bak} # create link backup mv -vf "$target" "$link" # move target # a) use ln -r ln -vsr "$link" "$target" # b) or determine the relative path #target_dir=$(dirname "$target") #relpath=$(realpath --relative-to="$target_dir" "$link") #ln -vs "$relpath" "$target"