
如何創建 bash 腳本,替代“goto”和“labels”

  • July 12, 2021


@echo off
if exist "file1.txt" (GOTO step2) ELSE (GOTO X)
if exist "file2.txt" (GOTO Z) ELSE (GOTO Y)

run the script from the beginning and file1.txt and file2.txt are created and the rest of the script is executed
run the commands to file1.txt and run the rest of the script
run the commands to file2.txt and run the rest of the script

我知道 bash 中不存在“goto”和“labels”,但是在 bash 中做類似於上述操作的替代方法是什麼?


if [ -e file1.txt ]; then
       echo "file1.txt ok"
           if [ -e file2.txt ]; then
               echo "file2.txt ok"
               alternative to goto label Z
               alternative to goto label Y
       echo "file1.txt doesn't exist"
       alternative to goto label X


批處理是什麼(也應該做 bash)(重要的是避免混淆):

完整的腳本執行一些命令並創建文件 file1.txt 和 file2.txt。因此,由於腳本很長並且可以在某些時候被中斷,我想要的是從它被中斷的地方開始腳本。這就是驗證的用途:

  • 如果 file1.txt 存在 (Y),則腳本已經創建它,並繼續檢查 file2.txt (Z) 是否存在(腳本的另一部分)。
  • 如果 file2.txt 存在(Z),則表示命令從該點開始
  • 如果 file2.txt (Z) 不存在,但 file1.txt (Y) 存在,則意味著腳本在創建 file1.txt (Y) 和 file2.txt (Z) 之間的某處被中斷,則它從 file1 開始。 txt (Y)
  • 如果 file1.txt (Y) 和 file2.txt (Z) 都不存在,那麼我必須從腳本 (X) 的開頭開始


@echo off
if exist "file1.txt" goto skip_part1
run the script from the beginning and file1.txt and file2.txt are created and the rest of the script is executed
if exist "file2.txt" goto skip_part2
run the commands to file1.txt and run the rest of the script
run the commands to file2.txt and run the rest of the script


@echo off
if not exist "file1.txt" (
 run the script from the beginning and file1.txt and file2.txt are created and the rest of the script is executed
if not exist "file2.txt" (
 run the commands to file1.txt and run the rest of the script
run the commands to file2.txt and run the rest of the script

這可以直接翻譯成以下 bash 腳本:

if [ ! -e file1.txt ]; then
 run the script from the beginning and file1.txt and file2.txt are created and the rest of the script is executed
if [ ! -e file2.txt ]; then
 run the commands to file1.txt and run the rest of the script
run the commands to file2.txt and run the rest of the script
