

  • April 17, 2021



sed -n 's/title="view quote">\(.*\)<\/a>/\1/p' index.html

這是 index.html 的一部分,我需要“生活中的一切都是運氣”

<a title="view quote" href="" class="oncl_q">
<img id="qimage_106578" src="./Donald Trump Quotes - BrainyQuote_files/donaldtrump1.jpg" class="bqphtgrid" alt="Everything in life is luck. - Donald Trump">
<a href="" class="b-qt qt_106578 oncl_q" title="view quote">Everything in life is luck.</a>
<a href="" class="bq-aut qa_106578 oncl_a" title="view author">Donald Trump</a>
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<a href="" class="qkw-btn btn btn-xs oncl_klc" data-idx="0">Life</a>
<a href="" class="qkw-btn btn btn-xs oncl_klc" data-idx="1">Luck</a>
<a href="" class="qkw-btn btn btn-xs oncl_klc" data-idx="2">Everything</a>
<div id="qpos_1_2" class="m-brick grid-item boxy bqQt r-width" style="position: absolute; left: 623px; top: 2px;">
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<a title="view quote" href="" class="oncl_q">
<img id="qimage_119339" src="./Donald Trump Quotes - BrainyQuote_files/donaldtrump1(1).jpg" class="bqphtgrid" alt="The first thing the secretary types is the boss. - Donald Trump">
<a href="" class="b-qt qt_119339 oncl_q" title="view quote">The first thing the secretary types is the boss.</a>
<a href="" class="bq-aut qa_119339 oncl_a" title="view author">Donald Trump</a>
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我需要所有這些值來填充 bash 中的數組。這裡的預期輸出是

$$ ‘Everything in life is luck’,‘The first thing the secretary types is the boss.’ $$. 但我需要 index.html 中的所有引號,所以我需要選擇器來獲取所有引號到數組中。

即使它是 HTML 而不是正確的 XML,您實際上也可以使用xmlstarlet.


xmlstarlet fo -H index.html 2>/dev/null |
   xmlstarlet sel -t -v '//a[@title="view quote" and string-length(text()) > 1]' -n 2>/dev/null


Everything in life is luck.
The first thing the secretary types is the boss.

你以前可能沒有遇到xmlstarlet過。這是一個了不起的工具,可讓您格式化、編輯和解析 XML。今天我發現它還可以重新格式化格式不正確的 HTML。如果沒有,請安裝它。(如果您沒有安裝它的權限,請詢問。)它以一種無法開始處理sed的方式理解 XML。awk重新格式化 XML?sed並且awk可能會破裂,但xmlstarlet沒有顯著差異。
