SQLDriverConnect(來自 unix-odbc)是否記憶體 DSN 數據?如果是這樣,我該如何清除/清除它?
在使用來自unixodbc站點的 UNIX-ODBC 庫時,我遇到了
api 問題。如果我嘗試連續兩次連接到我的數據庫,第一次使用不正確的 DSN 數據*(數據源名稱數據,/etc/odbc.ini
我的案例是我提供了一個 GUI,使用者可以在其中手動填寫所有參數的表單,然後點擊“測試連接”按鈕。這會將詳細資訊寫入(或覆蓋)
API 連接到數據庫。如果測試成功,則從返回的連接字元串SQLDriverConnect
將填充到 GUI 中。如果失敗,GUI 將顯示失敗並允許使用者編輯表單上的數據並再次點擊“測試連接”按鈕。問題:如果使用者輸入了一些不正確的數據(比如埠號),測試失敗,使用者糾正數據。當使用者現在嘗試測試它應該通過的連接時,因為所有數據都是正確的並且也
Developement Machine CentOS release 6.1 (Final) 2.6.32-131.0.15.el6.i686 {32bit machine} Deployment Machine (CentOS) Linux release 6.6 (Final) 2.6.32-573.el6.x86_64 {64bit machine} unixODBC 2.2.14 /usr/lib/psqlodbcw.so: ELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, stripped
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使用 libodbc建構程式碼,如下所示:
g++ -g -o 程式碼 code.cpp -lodbc
#include "../boost_1_52_0/boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp" #include "../boost_1_52_0/boost/property_tree/ini_parser.hpp" #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <utility> #include <unistd.h> #include "../unixODBC-2.3.4/include/sql.h" #include "../unixODBC-2.3.4/include/sqlext.h" #include "../unixODBC-2.3.4/include/odbcinst.h" using boost::property_tree::ptree; using namespace std; void PopulateINI(const string& iniName, vector<pair<string, string> >& data); bool TestConnection(const string& connStringIn, string& connStringOut); static void extract_error(char *fn, SQLHANDLE handle, SQLSMALLINT type); void PrintIniFile(const string& iniName, const string& sDSN); int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if (argc != 2) { cout << "Enter the choice of\n\t1 : Full run:- \n\t\t\tpopulate incorrect data\n\t\t\tattempt to connect\n\t\t\tpopulate CORRECT data\n\t\t\twait 15 secs\n\t\t\tattempt to connect\n\t2 : attempt to connect with existing ini data" << endl; return 0; } int iCh = atoi(argv[1]); if(iCh != 1 && iCh != 2) { cout << "Invalid choice !!\nAcceptable values are - '1' OR '2' only" << endl; return 0; } string sDSN = "PostgresTest01"; string sConnStrIn, sConnStrOut; sConnStrIn.append("DSN=").append(sDSN.c_str()).append(1, ';'); string iniName = "/etc/odbc.ini"; if (iCh == 1) { //Incorrect DSN data vector<pair<string, string> > vData; vData.push_back(make_pair(sDSN + ".Description", "Description")); vData.push_back(make_pair(sDSN + ".Driver", "PostgreSQL")); vData.push_back(make_pair(sDSN + ".Database", "dvdrental")); vData.push_back(make_pair(sDSN + ".Servername", "")); vData.push_back(make_pair(sDSN + ".Port", "1234")); //INCORRECT PORT NUMBER; '1234' instead of '5432' vData.push_back(make_pair(sDSN + ".UserName", "postgres")); vData.push_back(make_pair(sDSN + ".Password", "postgres")); vData.push_back(make_pair(sDSN + ".Trace", "Off")); vData.push_back(make_pair(sDSN + ".TraceFile", "stderr")); vData.push_back(make_pair(sDSN + ".Protocol", "7.0")); vData.push_back(make_pair(sDSN + ".ReadOnly", "No")); vData.push_back(make_pair(sDSN + ".RowVersioning", "No")); vData.push_back(make_pair(sDSN + ".ShowSystemTables", "No")); vData.push_back(make_pair(sDSN + ".ShowOidColumn", "No")); vData.push_back(make_pair(sDSN + ".FakeOidIndex", "No")); vData.push_back(make_pair(sDSN + ".ConnSettings", "")); //Populate ini with Incorrect data PopulateINI(iniName, vData); sleep(5); //Just so I can see the ini file changing //First run - Call SQLDriverConnect PrintIniFile(iniName, sDSN); sConnStrOut.clear(); if(TestConnection(sConnStrIn, sConnStrOut)) { cout << "Test connection succeeded.\nConnection String is [" << sConnStrOut << "]" << endl; } else { cout << "Test connection failed for sConnStrIn[" << sConnStrIn << "]" << endl; } cout << "\n\n====================================================================" << endl; cout << "Updating ini file with correct data..." << endl; vData[4].second = "5432"; //CORRECT PORT NUMBER PopulateINI(iniName, vData); //WRITE TO INI FILE cout << "\n\nWaiting for 15 secs" << endl; sleep(15); //15, so that I could manually change the odbc.ini, as I had some suspicions about ptree, read_ini() & write_ini() cout << "\n\n====================================================================" << endl; } //Second run - Call SQLDriverConnect PrintIniFile(iniName, sDSN); sConnStrOut.clear(); if(TestConnection(sConnStrIn, sConnStrOut)) { cout << "Test connection succeeded.\nConnection String is [" << sConnStrOut << "]" << endl;; } else { cout << "Test connection failed for sConnStrIn[" << sConnStrIn << "]" << endl; } return 0; } void PrintVector(const string& label, vector<pair<string, string> >& data) { cout << "\n\n " << label << "\n" << endl; for(vector<pair<string, string> >::iterator it = data.begin(); it != data.end(); ++it) { cout << "\t\t" << it->first << " : " << it->second << endl; } cout << "\n===================================================" << endl; } void PopulateINI(const string& iniName, vector<pair<string, string> >& data) { ptree pt; read_ini(iniName.c_str(), pt); for(vector<pair<string, string> >::iterator it = data.begin(); it != data.end(); ++it) { pt.put(it->first.c_str(), it->second.c_str()); } write_ini(iniName.c_str(), pt); } bool TestConnection(const string& connStringIn, string& connStringOut) { bool fRC = false; SQLRETURN retcode; SQLHENV env=NULL; SQLHDBC dbc=NULL; SQLSMALLINT siOutConnStrLen; connStringOut.resize(2048); SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, SQL_NULL_HANDLE, &env); SQLSetEnvAttr(env, SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSION, (void *) SQL_OV_ODBC3, 0); SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, env, &dbc); retcode = SQLDriverConnect(dbc, NULL, (SQLCHAR*)connStringIn.c_str(), SQL_NTS, (SQLCHAR*)&connStringOut.at(0), 2048, &siOutConnStrLen, SQL_DRIVER_NOPROMPT); if(SQL_SUCCEEDED(retcode)) { connStringOut.resize(siOutConnStrLen); fRC = true; if(retcode == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) { cout << "Driver reported the following diagnostics:" << endl; extract_error("SQLDriverConnect", dbc, SQL_HANDLE_DBC); } SQLDisconnect(dbc); } else { cout << "Failed to connect:" << endl; extract_error("SQLDriverConnect", dbc, SQL_HANDLE_DBC); } SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, dbc); SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, env); return fRC; } void extract_error(char *fn, SQLHANDLE handle, SQLSMALLINT type) { SQLINTEGER i = 0; SQLINTEGER native; SQLCHAR state[ 7 ]; SQLCHAR text[256]; SQLSMALLINT len; SQLRETURN ret; fprintf(stderr, "\nThe driver reported the following diagnostics whilst running %s\n\n", fn); do { ret = SQLGetDiagRec(type, handle, ++i, state, &native, text, sizeof(text), &len ); if (SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret)) printf("%s:%ld:%ld:%s\n", state, i, native, text); } while( ret == SQL_SUCCESS ); } void PrintIniFile(const string& iniName, const string& sDSN) { ptree pt; read_ini(iniName.c_str(), pt); cout << "\n\n[" << sDSN << "]" << endl; cout << "Description : " << pt.get<string>((sDSN + "." + "Description").c_str()) <<endl; cout << "Driver : " << pt.get<string>((sDSN + "." + "Driver").c_str()) <<endl; cout << "Database : " << pt.get<string>((sDSN + "." + "Database").c_str()) <<endl; cout << "Servername : " << pt.get<string>((sDSN + "." + "Servername").c_str()) <<endl; cout << "Port : " << pt.get<string>((sDSN + "." + "Port").c_str()) <<endl; cout << "UserName : " << pt.get<string>((sDSN + "." + "UserName").c_str()) <<endl; cout << "Password : " << pt.get<string>((sDSN + "." + "Password").c_str()) <<endl; cout << "Trace : " << pt.get<string>((sDSN + "." + "Trace").c_str()) <<endl; cout << "TraceFile : " << pt.get<string>((sDSN + "." + "TraceFile").c_str()) <<endl; cout << "Protocol : " << pt.get<string>((sDSN + "." + "Protocol").c_str()) <<endl; cout << "ReadOnly : " << pt.get<string>((sDSN + "." + "ReadOnly").c_str()) <<endl; cout << "RowVersioning : " << pt.get<string>((sDSN + "." + "RowVersioning").c_str()) <<endl; cout << "ShowSystemTables : " << pt.get<string>((sDSN + "." + "ShowSystemTables").c_str()) <<endl; cout << "ShowOidColumn : " << pt.get<string>((sDSN + "." + "ShowOidColumn").c_str()) <<endl; cout << "FakeOidIndex : " << pt.get<string>((sDSN + "." + "FakeOidIndex").c_str()) <<endl; cout << "ConnSettings : " << pt.get<string>((sDSN + "." + "ConnSettings").c_str()) <<endl; cout << "\n\n" << endl; }
. .
1 : Full run:- populate incorrect data attempt to connect populate CORRECT data wait 15 secs attempt to connect 2 : attempt to connect with existing ini data
./程式碼 1
./程式碼 2
./code 1
已修改並讀取以顯示正確的“埠號”。[PostgresTest01] Description : Description Driver : PostgreSQL Database : dvdrental Servername : Port : 1234 UserName : postgres Password : postgres Trace : Off TraceFile : stderr Protocol : 7.0 ReadOnly : No RowVersioning : No ShowSystemTables : No ShowOidColumn : No FakeOidIndex : No ConnSettings : Failed to connect: The driver reported the following diagnostics whilst running SQLDriverConnect 08001:1:101:[unixODBC]Could not connect to the server; Connection refused [] Test connection failed for sConnStrIn[DSN=PostgresTest01;] ==================================================================== Updating ini file with correct data... Waiting for 15 secs ==================================================================== [PostgresTest01] Description : Description Driver : PostgreSQL Database : dvdrental Servername : Port : 5432 UserName : postgres Password : postgres Trace : Off TraceFile : stderr Protocol : 7.0 ReadOnly : No RowVersioning : No ShowSystemTables : No ShowOidColumn : No FakeOidIndex : No ConnSettings : Failed to connect: The driver reported the following diagnostics whilst running SQLDriverConnect 08001:1:101:[unixODBC]Could not connect to the server; Connection refused [] Test connection failed for sConnStrIn[DSN=PostgresTest01;]
. . 請注意,在第二次嘗試中,儘管 ini 反映了在嘗試連接前 15 秒列印的正確數據,但錯誤消息顯示連接被拒絕到埠“1234”。
$$ $$ . .
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./code 2
,在第一次執行之後立即執行,然後 ini 保存正確的數據,下面是輸出。它成功連接。[PostgresTest01] Description : Description Driver : PostgreSQL Database : dvdrental Servername : Port : 5432 UserName : postgres Password : postgres Trace : Off TraceFile : stderr Protocol : 7.0 ReadOnly : No RowVersioning : No ShowSystemTables : No ShowOidColumn : No FakeOidIndex : No ConnSettings : Test connection succeeded. Connection String is [DSN=PostgresTest01;DATABASE=dvdrental;SERVER=;PORT=5432;UID=postgres;PWD=postgres;SSLmode=disable;ReadOnly=No;Protocol=7.0;FakeOidIndex=No;ShowOidColumn=No;RowVersioning=No;ShowSystemTables=No;ConnSettings=;Fetch=100;Socket=4096;UnknownSizes=0;MaxVarcharSize=255;MaxLongVarcharSize=8190;Debug=0;CommLog=0;Optimizer=0;Ksqo=1;UseDeclareFetch=0;TextAsLongVarchar=1;UnknownsAsLongVarchar=0;BoolsAsChar=1;Parse=0;CancelAsFreeStmt=0;ExtraSysTablePrefixes=dd_;;LFConversion=0;UpdatableCursors=1;DisallowPremature=0;TrueIsMinus1=0;BI=0;ByteaAsLongVarBinary=0;UseServerSidePrepare=0;LowerCaseIdentifier=0;]
. .
- 為什麼
./code 1
儘管在連接嘗試之間正確釋放了句柄,但是否以某種方式記憶體數據?- 怎樣才能清除這個假定的記憶體,以便讓隨後的第二次嘗試成功?
- 如果它確實是一個錯誤,是否有一種解決方法可以在程序的同一執行中在後續測試中實現所需的結果(請記住,測試必須從無法重新啟動的伺服器觸發)?
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我會考慮嘗試驅動程序管理器的後一個版本,2.2.14 是 2008 年的。它可能無法解決嘗試更高版本的問題,但肯定會在記憶體程式碼中添加一些修復程序。
另外,在建構 2.3.x 時,我會在配置中添加 –enable-inicaching=no。這很可能是您看到的問題的原因。