CentOS 7 中 dovecot 和 postfix 的 ACL/MAC 權限
我正在使用本教程在Web 伺服器上進行設置
Postfix``Dovecot``CentOS 7
。但是,當我嘗試使用 發送測試電子郵件時sudo echo "TEST" | mail -s "testmail" newuser@localhost && sudo tail -f /var/log/maillog
,我收到一條錯誤消息,表明 Dovecot 沒有創建用於儲存電子郵件的目錄的權限。如何設置權限Dovecot
能夠正常工作CentOS 7
,octal permissions
, 和其他命令,但我不知道它們如何適用於這個特定的要求,我不想在沒有理解的情況下通過實驗來創造無效的東西。這是錯誤消息中最相關的部分:
Error: user import: Initialization failed: Namespace '': mkdir(/home/import/Maildir) failed: Permission denied (euid=1001(import) egid=1001(import) missing +w perm: /home/import, UNIX perms appear ok (ACL/MAC wrong?))
Dec 30 19:03:42 mydomain postfix/pickup[8093]: A22E78221C13: uid=1000 from=<anotherusername> Dec 30 19:03:42 mydomain postfix/cleanup[8121]: A22E78221C13: message-id=<20141231000342.A22E78221C13@mydomain.com> Dec 30 19:03:42 mydomain postfix/qmgr[8094]: A22E78221C13: from=<anotherusername@mydomain.com>, size=463, nrcpt=1 (queue active) Dec 30 19:03:42 mydomain dovecot: lda(newusername): Error: user newusername: Initialization failed: Namespace '': mkdir(/home/newusername/Maildir) failed: Permission denied (euid=1001(newusername) egid=1001(newusername) missing +w perm: /home/newusername, dir owned by 0:0 mode=0755) Dec 30 19:03:42 mydomain dovecot: lda(newusername): Fatal: Invalid user settings. Refer to server log for more information. Dec 30 19:03:42 mydomain postfix/local[8123]: A22E78221C13: to=<newusername@localhost.com>, orig_to=<newusername@localhost>, relay=local, delay=0.15, delays=0.06/0.02/0/0.07, dsn=4.3.0, status=deferred (temporary failure)
sudo chown -R newusername:newusername /home/newusername
,然後又重複了一次,sudo echo "TEST" | sudo mail -s "testmail" newuser@localhost && sudo tail -f /var/log/maillog
但仍然出現以下錯誤:Dec 30 20:42:29 mydomain postfix/qmgr[8094]: E0DF28221C14: from=<anotherusername@mydomain.com>, size=463, nrcpt=1 (queue active) Dec 30 20:42:29 mydomain dovecot: lda(newusername): Error: user newusername: Initialization failed: Namespace '': mkdir(/home/newusername/Maildir) failed: Permission denied (euid=1001(newusername) egid=1001(newusername) missing +w perm: /home/newusername, UNIX perms appear ok (ACL/MAC wrong?)) Dec 30 20:42:29 mydomain dovecot: lda(newusername): Fatal: Invalid user settings. Refer to server log for more information. Dec 30 20:42:29 mydomain postfix/local[8531]: E0DF28221C14: to=<newusername@localhost.com>, orig_to=<newusername@localhost>, relay=local, delay=1101, delays=1101/0.02/0/0.06, dsn=4.3.0, status=deferred (temporary failure) Dec 30 20:45:40 mydomain postfix/pickup[8529]: CF3CB80B33C4: uid=0 from=<root> Dec 30 20:45:40 mydomain postfix/cleanup[8551]: CF3CB80B33C4: message-id=<20141231014540.CF3CB80B33C4@mydomain.com> Dec 30 20:45:40 mydomain postfix/qmgr[8094]: CF3CB80B33C4: from=<root@mydomain.com>, size=455, nrcpt=1 (queue active) Dec 30 20:45:40 mydomain dovecot: lda(newusername): Error: user newusername: Initialization failed: Namespace '': mkdir(/home/newusername/Maildir) failed: Permission denied (euid=1001(newusername) egid=1001(newusername) missing +w perm: /home/newusername, UNIX perms appear ok (ACL/MAC wrong?)) Dec 30 20:45:40 mydomain dovecot: lda(newusername): Fatal: Invalid user settings. Refer to server log for more information. Dec 30 20:45:40 mydomain postfix/local[8553]: CF3CB80B33C4: to=<newusername@localhost.com>, orig_to=<newusername@localhost>, relay=local, delay=0.15, delays=0.08/0.02/0/0.05, dsn=4.3.0, status=deferred (temporary failure)
這個問題是由 SELinux 造成的。我通過
sudo nano /etc/sysconfig/selinux
。這在開發過程中是可以接受的。一個更完整的解決方案是設置一個 SELinux 規則,允許 postfix 和 dovecot 在其投入生產之前執行。注意:七百四十二建議我檢查 SELinux 狀態,所以我將他標記為正確答案。
failed: Permission denied (euid=1001(newusername) egid=1001(newusername) missing +w perm: /home/newusername, dir owned by 0:0 mode=0755
Dovecot 正在嘗試以
/home/newusername/{whatever your maildir is}
newusername:newusername 的身份寫入,但是,該目錄歸使用者 0:0 (root) 所有。因為權限模式是755,所以只有擁有者有+w權限此外,如果您使用 SELinux,請確保您的 ACL 允許 dovecot 寫入您的郵件目錄
我遇到了同樣的問題。家長還提到它通過禁用 selinux 使其工作。謝謝你的提示。禁用 SEL 不是我的選擇。
因此,如果您不想禁用 selinux,請嘗試:
- 檢查“問題”目錄的 SELinux 上下文:
ls -Z /home/newusername drwx------. centos centos unconfined_u:object_r:user_home_dir_t:s0 centos drwx------. newusername newusername unconfined_u:object_r:home_root_t:s0 newusername
- 它應該顯示
為上下文- 它不應該是
selinux 上下文。***觀察:***如果您以 root 身份創建 homedir,它將獲取根上下文,然後使用者創建的每個對像都將具有根上下文。
- 修復此執行:
restorecon -vR /home/newuserhome
- 再次檢查 SELinux 上下文,你現在應該有:
ls -Z /home/newusername drwx------. centos centos unconfined_u:object_r:user_home_dir_t:s0 centos drwx------. newusername newusername unconfined_u:object_r:user_home_dir_t:s0 newusername
- **測試:**嘗試在內部創建文件或目錄
並檢查 SEL 上下文- 如果新文件仍然沒有顯示正確的上下文執行:
semanage fcontext -a -e /home /home/newusername restorecon -vR /home/newuserhome