無法在 Centos7 上安裝 php-mssql 或 freetds
我的目標是使用 PHP 連接到 MS SQL Server 2005。我已經安裝了 PHP 和 ODBC。我正在執行 CentOS7。
PHP Version => 5.4.16
….(來自 php -i)….
odbc ODBC Support => enabled
我在嘗試安裝 freetds 和 php-mssql 擴展時遇到了 2 個依賴問題。(見下文)
[root@localhost freetds-dev.0.92.377]# yum install php-mssql freetds Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacks Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile * base: mirror.supremebytes.com * epel: mirror.sfo12.us.leaseweb.net * extras: mirrors.cat.pdx.edu * rpmforge: mirror.hmc.edu * updates: ftp.osuosl.org Resolving Dependencies --> Running transaction check ---> Package freetds.x86_64 0:0.91-2.el6 will be installed --> Processing Dependency: libgnutls.so.26(GNUTLS_1_4)(64bit) for package: freetds-0.91-2.el6.x86_64 --> Processing Dependency: libgnutls.so.26()(64bit) for package: freetds-0.91-2.el6.x86_64 ---> Package php-mssql.x86_64 0:5.3.3-3.el6 will be installed --> Processing Dependency: php(zend-abi) = 20090626 for package: php-mssql-5.3.3-3.el6.x86_64 --> Processing Dependency: php(api) = 20090626 for package: php-mssql-5.3.3-3.el6.x86_64 --> Finished Dependency Resolution Error: Package: freetds-0.91-2.el6.x86_64 (epel) Requires: libgnutls.so.26()(64bit) Error: Package: php-mssql-5.3.3-3.el6.x86_64 (epel) Requires: php(api) = 20090626 Installed: php-common-5.4.16-23.el7_0.3.x86_64 (@updates) php(api) = 20100412-64 Available: php-common-5.4.16-21.el7.x86_64 (base) php(api) = 20100412-64 Available: php-common-5.4.16-23.el7_0.x86_64 (updates) php(api) = 20100412-64 Available: php-common-5.4.16-23.el7_0.1.x86_64 (updates) php(api) = 20100412-64 Error: Package: freetds-0.91-2.el6.x86_64 (epel) Requires: libgnutls.so.26(GNUTLS_1_4)(64bit) Error: Package: php-mssql-5.3.3-3.el6.x86_64 (epel) Requires: php(zend-abi) = 20090626 Installed: php-common-5.4.16-23.el7_0.3.x86_64 (@updates) php(zend-abi) = 20100525-64 Available: php-common-5.4.16-21.el7.x86_64 (base) php(zend-abi) = 20100525-64 Available: php-common-5.4.16-23.el7_0.x86_64 (updates) php(zend-abi) = 20100525-64 Available: php-common-5.4.16-23.el7_0.1.x86_64 (updates) php(zend-abi) = 20100525-64 You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest
我有 libgnutls.so 版本 28
/usr/lib64/libgnutls.so.28 /usr/lib64/libgnutls.so.28.20.4
在版本中,表明它適用於 CentOS 6,而不是 7。您似乎為錯誤版本的 CentOS 添加了 EPEL 儲存庫。您應該刪除yum
EPEL6 的配置並添加 7 的配置。您可以使用以下內容添加 7 的配置:rpm -Uvh http://mirror.oss.ou.edu/epel/7/x86_64/e/epel-release-7-5.noarch.rpm
我在同樣的問題上苦苦掙扎,我知道我在 OS 7 上。
我應該嘗試單獨安裝 freetds 嗎?
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.3 (Maipo) Installed: epel-release.noarch 0:7-9 Error: Package: freetds-0.91-2.el6.x86_64 (epel) Requires: libgnutls.so.26(GNUTLS_1_4)(64bit) /usr/lib64/.libgnutls.so.28.41.16.hmac /usr/lib64/.libgnutls.so.28.hmac /usr/lib64/libgnutls.so.28 /usr/lib64/libgnutls.so.28.41.16