

  • February 21, 2016

我們有一個以build使用者身份執行的 CI 伺服器應用程序。CI 伺服器執行的任何帶有參數的命令都可以通過ps. 儘管非管理員使用者無權在 CI 伺服器上傳入 shell,但他們可以通過任務訪問執行 unix 命令。

我擔心的是;使用者 A 可以通過簡單地執行ps.

請注意,CI 伺服器中的所有任務都以build使用者身份執行。使用者不能切換到不同的user.


  1. 是否有其他命令可以在沒有root權限的情況下執行以公開命令行參數?
  2. 鑑於此問題的背景,是否有更好/安全的方法來管理它?



如果您只關心在該 CI 伺服器上擁有帳戶但不允許送出建構的使用者,那麼hidepid選項可能會對您有所幫助。或者,教育建構送出者在文件或環境變數中傳遞機密資訊,而不是命令行參數。請注意,該ps命令不是您需要處理的,它只是一個漂亮的列印機,用於在proc filesystem中找到資訊。程序 1234 的命令行可以用cat /proc/1234/cmdline.


查看hidepid安裝 /proc 的選項

On multi-user systems, it is often useful to secure the process directories stored in /proc/ so that they can be viewed only by the root user. You can restrict the access to these directories with the use of the hidepid option.
To change the file system parameters, you can use the mount command with the -o remount option. As root, type:

mount -o remount,hidepid=value /proc

Here, value passed to hidepid is one of:

   0 (default) — every user can read all world-readable files stored in a process directory.
   1 — users can access only their own process directories. This protects the sensitive files like cmdline, sched, or status from access by non-root users. This setting does not affect the actual file permissions.
   2 — process files are invisible to non-root users. The existence of a process can be learned by other means, but its effective UID and GID is hidden. Hiding these IDs complicates an intruder's task of gathering information about running processes. 

