顯示匹配模式的行和每行之前的 4 行
CREATE SYNONYM I801XS07 FOR I8010.I801XT07 * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00955: name is already used by an existing object CREATE SYNONYM I801XS07 FOR I8010.I801XT07 * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00955: name is already used by an existing object Table altered. Table altered. Table altered. Table altered. Table altered. Table altered. Table altered. Table altered. DROP INDEX I8011I01 * ERROR at line 1: ORA-01418: specified index does not exist Index created.
行和前 4 行:CREATE SYNONYM I801XS07 FOR I8010.I801XT07 * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00955: name is already used by an existing object CREATE SYNONYM I801XS07 FOR I8010.I801XT07 * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00955: name is already used by an existing object DROP INDEX I8011I01 * ERROR at line 1: ORA-01418: specified index does not exist
假設您使用的是舊系統,例如 HP-UX,它沒有 GNU 實用程序,只有舊的、原始的 BSD 或 AT&T “grep”。你可以這樣做:
#!/bin/sh awk '/ORA-/ { print line1; print line2; print line3; print line4; print $0 }\ // {line1 = line2; line2 = line3; line3 = line4; line4 = $0}' $1
是的,有很多邊緣條件不正確,但是你想要什麼?此外,考慮到您正在使用一些經過解碼的、過時的作業系統和硬體,您可能沒有 CPU 能力來處理花哨的錯誤。
:grep -B 4 ORA- your_file
。在沒有 GNU 的情況下
,我改編了grymoire sed 教程grep4
中的範例:#!/bin/sh # grepB4: prints out 4 lines before and the line including pattern # if there is only one argument, exit case $# in 1);; *) echo "Usage: $0 pattern";exit;; esac; sed -n ' '/"$1"/' !{ # does not match - add this line to the hold space H # bring it back into the pattern space x # Two lines would look like .*\n.* # Three lines look like .*\n.*\n.* # Delete extra lines - keep four s/^.*\n\(.*\n.*\n.*\n.*\)$/\1/ # put it back in hold space x } '/"$1"/' { # matches - append the current line H # bring hold space contents into pattern space g # print the 4 lines p # add the mark a\ --- }'
grepB4 pattern < file
。Bruce Ediger 的回答與 . 基本相同