Conky 緩衝區太小?
例如:我的範例 conkyrc(最後一行是唯一重要的部分!):
background yes use_xft yes xftfont Terminus:size=8 xftalpha 0.8 update_interval 5.0 total_run_times 0 double_buffer yes own_window yes own_window_type override own_window_transparent yes own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager minimum_size 0 0 draw_shades yes draw_outline no draw_borders no stippled_borders 8 border_margin 0 border_width 0 default_color ffffff default_shade_color black default_outline_color ffffff alignment top_left # gap_x - 1280x800 = 1105; 1024x768 = 820 gap_x 1200 gap_y 0 no_buffers yes uppercase no cpu_avg_samples 2 net_avg_samples 2 override_utf8_locale yes use_spacer yes TEXT ${execpi 15 sleep $[ ($RANDOM % 3 ) ]; sh}
cat #!/bin/bash for i in {1..40}; do echo "Welcome $i times"; done
Welcome 1 times Welcome 2 times Welcome 3 times Welcome 4 times Welcome 5 times Welcome 6 times Welcome 7 times Welcome 8 times Welcome 9 times Welcome 10 times Welcome 11 times Welcome 12 times Welcome 13 times Welcome 14 times Welcome 15 times Welcome 16 times Welcome 17 times Welcome 18 times Welcome 19 times Welcome 20 times Welcome 21 times Welcome 22 times Welcome 23 times Welcome 24 times Welcome 25 times Welcome 26 times Welcome 27 times Welcome 28 times Welcome 29 times Welcome 30 times Welcome 31 times Welcome 32 times Welcome 33 times Welcome 34 times Welcome 35 times Welcome 36 times Welcome 37 times Welcome 38 times Welcome 39 times Welcome 40 times
但是 noooooOO,因為 conky 將此輸出提供給桌面:
為什麼?為什麼停在16點?一些緩衝區小嗎?或者 conky 不能編寫腳本輸出更長的 16 行或什麼?:O
計算字元數,conky 顯示 257 個字元,這看起來很可疑,就像 conky 中單行 TEXT 的任意限制。在內部添加一些隱藏的引號到 conky 和 shell 擴展中,並且您會失去“times”字元。Conky 曾經將其顯示的內容限制為前 128 個字元——他們可能已經將其翻了一番。
(15(+1 換行)=每行 16 個字元 x 16 行 = 256 個字元。
If your to-do file or any other section is getting cut off too soon, that's because Conky has an unseen default text limit for any object. You can tweak it by adding a text_buffer_size 512 to the top section of your .conkyrc, changing that number to fit your needs.
如果您的 TEXT 足夠長,您可能需要進一步提高此限制,或者將您的腳本分成幾個命令。