從多個文件中平均第 n 行到一個平均主文件
我有 3 個文件,其中包含 8 行數值和文本。我試圖取所有三個文件中每一行的平均值,並用這些平均值列印一個新文件。下面是三個範例文件,都是同名格式 testfile1.1, testfile1.2, testfile1.3
1 2048 8 5 5 4 9 Lat:1
1 2048 10 7 7 4 9 Lat:1
1 2048 3 6 3 4 6 Lat:7
1 2048 7 6 5 4 8 Lat:3
我嘗試過使用 awk、sed 的不同組合,它們對 3-4 行數據執行良好,但我的實際數據在 40 多個文件名中有 2000 多行
編輯:所以我能夠理解如何控制我想要列印的 sig figs 以及如何編輯正則表達式以更好地匹配浮動小數。
下面是 2 個文件的副本(每行都有我想對它們做的評論)。
ABCDEFGH #print text into output file (same on both files) 1 # Take average of values across all the files in this line 2048 # Take average of values across all the files in this line 8 # Take average of values across all the files in this line 5 # Take average of values across all the files in this line 5 # Take average of values across all the files in this line 4 # Take average of values across all the files in this line 9.5 # Take average of values across all the files in this line 1 # Take average of values across all the files in this line 90.00 # Check and make sure value in this line across print if same Sprite # check and see if text is same across all values and print if same cats10 # check and see if text is same across all values and print if same 07/02/20 # See below for explantion on next 3 lines 08:32 08:32 290.000000 # average across all 3 files on this line 10.750000 # average across all 3 files on this line SCANS23 # output should be SCANS "average of values" INT_TIME57500 # output should be INT_TIME with sum of all values SITE northpole #Check if all lines are same if so print line LONGITUDE -147.850037 # Output should be LONGITUDE%f LATITUDE 64.859375 # Output should be LONGITUDE%f
第 13 行是數據的來源日期,第 14 行是開始時間和結束時間。可能使用某種日期到十進制命令..有沒有辦法取日期的平均值?如果一個數據是在 2020 年 7 月 2 日獲取的,而另一個數據是在 2018 年 7 月 2 日獲取的,那麼輸出可以是 19 年 7 月 2 日嗎?時間的平均值也會被考慮在內。
ABCDEFGH #print text into output file (same on both files) 1 # Take average of values across all the files in this line 2048 # Take average of values across all the files in this line 10 # Take average of values across all the files in this line 7 # Take average of values across all the files in this line 7 # Take average of values across all the files in this line 4 # Take average of values across all the files in this line 8 # Take average of values across all the files in this line 1 # Take average of values across all the files in this line 90.00 # Check and make sure value in this line across print if same Sprite # check and see if text is same across all values and print if same cats10 # check and see if text is same across all values and print if same 07/02/20 # See below for explanation on next 3 lines 08:32 08:32 290.000000 # average across all 3 files on this line 10.750000 # average across all 3 files on this line SCANS23 # output should be SCANS "average of values" INT_TIME57500 # output should be INT_TIME with sum of all values SITE northpole #Check if all lines are same if so print line LONGITUDE -147.850037 # Output should be LONGITUDE%f LATITUDE 64.859375 # Output should be LONGITUDE%f
awk -F: ' FNR==1 { c++ }; /^LATITUDE/ { a[FNR] += $6 }; /^SCANS/ { a[FNR] += $2 }; /^[+-]?([0-9]*[.])?[0-9]+$/ { a[FNR] += $1 }; END { for (i in a) { printf (i==22 ? "LATITUDE%f": i==18 ? "SCANS%2.3f": "%f") "\n", a[i] / c } }' tofu1.* > askforhelp
$ more askforhelp 90.000000 LATITUDE0.000000 290.000000 10.750000 SCANS0.000 1.000000 2048.000000 6.333333 4.666667 5.000000 4.000000 7.833333 2.666667
awk -F: ' FNR==1 { c++ }; /^LATITUDE/ { a[FNR] += $6 }; /^LONGITUDE/ { a[FNR] += $5 }; /^SITE/ { a[FNR] += $4 }; /^INT_TIME/ { a[FNR] += $3 }; /^SCANS/ { a[FNR] += $2 }; /^[+-]?([0-9]*[.])?[0-9]+$/ { a[FNR] += $1 }; END { for (i in a) { printf (i==22 ? "LATITUDE%f": i==21 ? "LONGITUDE%2.3f": i==20 ? "SITE%2.3f": i==19 ? "INT_TIME%2.3f": i==18 ? "SCANS%2.3f": "%f") "\n", a[i] / c } }' /home/lmdjeu/test/test1.* > /home/lmdjeu/test/askforhelp
$ awk -F: ' FNR==1 { c++ }; /^Lat:/ { a[FNR] += $2 }; /^[0-9]+$/ { a[FNR] += $1 }; END { for (i in a) { printf (i==8 ? "Lat:%i" : "%i") "\n", a[i] / c } }' Testfile1.* > Averagefile1 $ cat Averagefile1 1 2048 7 6 5 4 8 Lat:3
每當讀取文件的第一行 (FNR==1
) 時都會遞增。FNR
是 awk 自動設置的輸入記錄(行號)計數器,每次讀取輸入文件時都會重置。它還使用一個數組
來儲存每行輸入的累積和 -FNR
用作數組的索引。如果該行僅包含數字,則將該行的第一個(也是唯一的欄位)添加到該行的數組元素中。如果它以 string 開頭Lat:
,則添加第二個欄位。一旦讀取並處理了所有輸入文件,就執行 END 塊。這會遍歷數組,列印每個元素的總和除以文件數。除了第 8 行之外的所有內容都僅列印為整數。
對於第 8 行,整數以字元串 為前綴
。該腳本為此使用 awk 的三元運算符:condition ? result_if_true : result_if_false