
-fnoninteractive 在呼叫 debconf-communicate 中是什麼意思?

  • February 22, 2014

我的標題是問題。我正在查看一個腳本,該腳本使用 cli 參數 -fnoninteractive 對 debconf-communicate 進行 popen 呼叫。

-fnoninteractive 有什麼作用?

-f選項指定一個前端。這記錄在debconf-communicate --help消息中:

 -f,  --frontend               Specify debconf frontend to use.

因此,-fnoninteractive指定“非互動式”前端。此前端的行為在(或此處man 7 debconf的線上版本)中進行了解釋,內容如下:

         This is the anti-frontend. It never interacts with you  at  all,
         and  makes  the  default  answers  be used for all questions. It
         might mail error messages to root, but that’s it;  otherwise  it
         is  completely  silent  and  unobtrusive, a perfect frontend for
         automatic installs.   If  you  are  using  this  front-end,  and
         require  non-default  answers  to  questions,  you  will need to
         preseed  the  debconf  database;  see  the  section   below   on
         Unattended Package Installation for more details.


如果您想要更多細節,“非互動式”和其他前端的 perl 原始碼位於/usr/share/perl5/Debconf/Element.
