使用修改時間 (mtime) 和大小而不是內容來區分目錄
是否可以選擇讓 diff (-q) 不查看文件內容而只查看大小和 mtime?如果沒有,是否有類似的工具可以選擇?
,但告訴它不要復製或刪除任何文件。rsync -a -nv --delete a/ b/
#!/bin/sh # # DIFF with Modification date - a .sh (dash; bash; zsh - compatible) # "diff utility"-like script that can compare files in two directory # trees by path, size and modification date GetOS () { OS_kernel_name=$(uname -s) case "$OS_kernel_name" in "Linux") eval $1="Linux" ;; "Darwin") eval $1="Mac" ;; "CYGWIN"*|"MSYS"*|"MINGW"*) eval $1="Windows" ;; "") eval $1="unknown" ;; *) eval $1="other" ;; esac } DetectShell () { eval $1=\"\"; if [ -n "$BASH_VERSION" ]; then eval $1=\"bash\"; elif [ -n "$ZSH_VERSION" ]; then eval $1=\"zsh\"; elif [ "$PS1" = '$ ' ]; then eval $1=\"dash\"; else eval $1=\"undetermined\"; fi } PrintInTitle () { printf "\033]0;%s\007" "$1" } PrintJustInTitle () { PrintInTitle "$1">/dev/tty } trap1 () { CleanUp printf "\nAborted.\n">/dev/tty } CleanUp () { #Restore "INTERRUPT" (CTRL-C) and "TERMINAL STOP" (CTRL-Z) signals: trap - INT trap - TSTP #Restore Initial Directory: cd "$initial_dir" #Clear the title: PrintJustInTitle "" #Restore initial IFS: #IFS=$old_IFS unset IFS #Set shell flags (enable globbing): set +f } DisplayHelp () { printf "\n" printf "diffm - DIFF by Modification date\n" printf "\n" printf " What it does:\n" printf " - compares the files in the two provided directory tree paths (<dir_tree1> and <dir_tree2>) by:\n" printf " 1. Path\n" printf " 2. Size\n" printf " 3. Modification date\n" printf " Syntax:\n" printf " <caller_shell> '/path/to/' <dir_tree1> <dir_tree2> [flags]\n" printf " - where:\n" printf " - <caller_shell> can be any of the shells: dash, bash, zsh, or any other shell compatible with the \"dash\" shell syntax\n" printf " - '/path/to/' represents the path of this script\n" printf " - <dir_tree1> and <dir_tree2> represent the directory trees to be compared\n" printf " - [flags] can be:\n" printf " --help or -h\n" printf " Displays this help information\n" printf " Output:\n" printf " - lines starting with '<' signify files from <dir_tree1>\n" printf " - lines starting with '>' signify files from <dir_tree2>\n" printf " Notes:\n" printf " - only the files in the two provided directory tree paths are compared, not also the folders\n" printf "\n" } Proc1 () { {\ {\ cd "$initial_dir" [ -n "$dir1" ] && { cd "$dir1"; PrintJustInTitle "Loading files in directory 1, please wait..."; } eval $command1 cd "$initial_dir" [ -n "$dir2" ] && { cd "$dir2"; PrintJustInTitle "Loading files in directory 2, please wait..."; } eval $command2 cd "$initial_dir" }|eval $sort_command; }|eval $uniq_command; } Proc2 () { cd "$initial_dir" [ -n "$dir1" ] && { cd "$dir1"; PrintJustInTitle "Loading files in directory 1, please wait..."; } eval $command1 cd "$initial_dir" [ -n "$dir2" ] && { cd "$dir2"; PrintJustInTitle "Loading files in directory 2, please wait..."; } eval $command2 cd "$initial_dir" } GetOS OS DetectShell current_shell OS_CASE="" if [ "$OS" = "Linux" ]; then OS_CASE="1"; # = use Linux OS commands elif [ "$OS" = "Mac" ]; then OS_CASE="2"; # = use Mac OS commands else ################################################################################# ## IN CASE YOUR OS IS NOT LINUX OR MAC: ## ## MODIFY THE NEXT VARIABLE ACCORDING TO YOUR SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS (e.g.: ## ## "1" (use Linux OS commands) or "2" (use Mac OS commands)): ## ################################################################################# OS_CASE="3" fi if [ "$current_shell" = "undetermined" ]; then printf "\nWarning: This script was designed to work with dash, bash and zsh shells.\n\n">/dev/tty fi #Get the program parameters into the array "params": params_count=0 for i; do params_count=$((params_count+1)) eval params_$params_count=\"\$i\" done params_0=$((params_count)) if [ "$params_0" = "0" ]; then #if no parameters are provided: display help DisplayHelp CleanUp && exit 0 fi #Create a flags array. A flag denotes special parameters: help_flag="0" i=1; j=0; while [ "$i" -le "$((params_0))" ]; do eval params_i=\"\$\{params_$i\}\" case "${params_i}" in "--help" | "-h" ) help_flag="1" ;; * ) j=$((j+1)) eval selected_params_$j=\"\$params_i\" ;; esac i=$((i+1)) done selected_params_0=$j #Rebuild params array: for i in $(seq 1 $selected_params_0); do eval params_$i=\"\$\{selected_params_$i\}\" done params_0=$selected_params_0 if [ "$help_flag" = "1" ]; then DisplayHelp else #Run program: error1="false" error2="false" error3="false" error4="false" { sort --help >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; } || { error1="true"; } { stat --help >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; } || { error2="true"; } { find --help >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; } || { error3="true"; } { uniq --help >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; } || { error4="true"; } if [ "$error1" = "true" -o "$error2" = "true" -o "$error3" = "true" -o "$error4" = "true" ]; then { printf "\n" if [ "$error1" = "true" ]; then printf '%s' "ERROR: Could not run \"sort\" (necessary in order for this script to function correctly)!"; fi if [ "$error2" = "true" ]; then printf '%s' "ERROR: Could not run \"stat\" (necessary in order for this script to function correctly)!"; fi if [ "$error3" = "true" ]; then printf '%s' "ERROR: Could not run \"find\" (necessary in order for this script to function correctly)!"; fi if [ "$error4" = "true" ]; then printf '%s' "ERROR: Could not run \"uniq\" (necessary in order for this script to function correctly)!"; fi printf "\n" }>/dev/stderr exit fi #Check program arguments: if [ "$params_0" -lt "2" ]; then printf '\n%s\n' "ERROR: To few program parameters provided (expected two: <dir_tree1> and <dir_tree2>)!">/dev/stderr exit 1 elif [ "$params_0" -gt "2" ]; then printf '\n%s\n' "ERROR: To many program parameters provided (expected two: <dir_tree1> and <dir_tree2>)!">/dev/stderr exit 1 fi initial_dir="$PWD" #Store initial dir #If two program arguments are provided (<dir_tree1> and <dir_tree2>) proceed to checking them: initial_dir="$PWD" #Store initial dir dir1="" dir2="" file1="" file2="" error_encountered="false" error1="false" error2="false" [ -e "$params_1" ] && { if [ -d "$params_1" ]; then cd "$params_1" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null && { dir1="$PWD" cd "$initial_dir" } || { error1="true" } elif [ ! -d "$params_1" ]; then file1="$params_1" fi }||{ error2="true" } if [ "$error1" = "true" -o "$error2" = "true" ]; then printf '\n%s\n' "ERROR: PARAMETER1: \"$params_1\" does not exist as a directory/file or is not accessible!">/dev/stderr error_encountered="true" fi printf "\n">/dev/tty error1="false" error2="false" [ -e "$params_2" ] && { if [ -d "$params_2" ]; then cd "$params_2" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null && { dir2="$PWD" cd "$initial_dir" }||{ error1="true" } elif [ ! -d "$params_2" ]; then file2="$params_2" fi }||{ error2="true" } if [ "$error1" = "true" -o "$error2" = "true" ]; then printf '%s\n' "ERROR: PARAMETER2: \"$params_2\" does not exist as a directory/file or is not accessible!">/dev/stderr error_encountered="true" fi if [ "$error_encountered" = "true" ]; then printf "\n">/dev/stderr exit fi ## TYPE ///// PATH ///// SIZE ///// LAST TIME WRITE IN SECONDS ## if [ "$OS_CASE" = "1" ]; then #Linux OS if [ -n "$dir1" ]; then command1='find . -not -type d -exec stat -c "< ///// %n ///// %s ///// %Y" {} \;' else command1_string="$(stat -c "< ///// %n ///// %s ///// %Y" "$file1")" command1="printf '%s\n' \"\$command1_string\"" fi if [ -n "$dir2" ]; then command2='find . -not -type d -exec stat -c "> ///// %n ///// %s ///// %Y" {} \;' else command2_string="$(stat -c "> ///// %n ///// %s ///// %Y" "$file2")" command2="printf '%s\n' \"\$command2_string\"" fi command3='date -d @' cd "$initial_dir" sort_command="sort -k 3" uniq_command="uniq -u -f 2" elif [ "$OS_CASE" = "2" ]; then #Mac OS if [ -n "$dir1" ]; then command1='find . -not -type d -exec stat -f "< ///// %N ///// %z ///// %m" {} \;' else command1_string="$(stat -f "< ///// %N ///// %z ///// %m" "$file1")" command1="printf '%s\n' \"\$command1_string\"" fi if [ -n "$dir2" ]; then command2='find . -not -type d -exec stat -f "> ///// %N ///// %z ///// %m" {} \;' else command2_string="$(stat -f "> ///// %N ///// %z ///// %m" "$file2")" command2="printf '%s\n' \"\$command2_string\"" fi command3='date -j -f %s ' cd "$initial_dir" sort_command="sort -k 3" uniq_command="uniq -u -f 2" else printf '\n%s\n\n' "Error: Unsupported OS!">/dev/stderr exit 1 fi #Trap "INTERRUPT" (CTRL-C) and "TERMINAL STOP" (CTRL-Z) signals: trap 'trap1' INT trap 'trap1' TSTP old_IFS="$IFS" #Store initial IFS value IFS=" " set -f #Set shell flags (disable globbing): found_previous="false" count=0 skip=0 if [ -n "$dir1" -o -n "$dir2" ]; then for line in $(\ if [ -n "$dir1" -a -n "$dir2" ]; then\ Proc1;\ elif [ -z "$dir1" -o -z "$dir2" ]; then\ Proc2;\ fi;\ ); do count=$((count+1)) PrintJustInTitle "Analyzing file $count..." if [ -z "$current_line_file_type" ]; then current_line="$line" current_line_file_type="${line%%" ///// "*}" current_line_file_mtime_in_seconds="${line##*" ///// "}" current_line_file_type_path_and_size="${line%" ///// "*}" current_line_file_size="${current_line_file_type_path_and_size##*" ///// "}" current_line_file_type_path="${line%" ///// "*" ///// "*}" current_line_file_path="${current_line_file_type_path#*" ///// "}" else previous_line="$current_line" previous_line_file_type="$current_line_file_type" previous_line_file_mtime_in_seconds="$current_line_file_mtime_in_seconds" previous_line_file_type_path_and_size="$current_line_file_type_path_and_size" previous_line_file_size="$current_line_file_size" previous_line_file_type_path="$current_line_file_size" previous_line_file_path="$current_line_file_path" current_line="$line" current_line_file_type="${line%%" ///// "*}" current_line_file_mtime_in_seconds="${line##*" ///// "}" current_line_file_type_path_and_size="${line%" ///// "*}" current_line_file_size="${current_line_file_type_path_and_size##*" ///// "}" current_line_file_type_path="${line%" ///// "*" ///// "*}" current_line_file_path="${current_line_file_type_path#*" ///// "}" if [ ! "$skip" = "$count" ]; then if [ "$found_previous" = "false" ]; then seconds_difference=$(($current_line_file_mtime_in_seconds - $previous_line_file_mtime_in_seconds)) if [ \ \( "$current_line" = "$previous_line" \) -o \ \( \ \( "$current_line_file_path" = "$previous_line_file_path" \) -a \ \( "$current_line_file_size" = "$previous_line_file_size" \) -a \ \( "$seconds_difference" = "1" -o "$seconds_difference" = "-1" \) \ \) \ ]; then found_previous="true" skip=$((count+1)) else printf '%s\n' "$previous_line_file_type $previous_line_file_path - ""Size: ""$previous_line_file_size"" Bytes"" - ""Modified Date: ""$(eval $command3$previous_line_file_mtime_in_seconds)" found_previous="false" fi else printf '%s\n' "$previous_line_file_type $previous_line_file_path - ""Size: ""$previous_line_file_size"" Bytes"" - ""Modified Date: ""$(eval $command3$previous_line_file_mtime_in_seconds)" found_previous="false" fi else found_previous="false" fi fi done #Treat last case separately: if [ "$count" -gt "0" ]; then if [ "$found_previous" = "false" ]; then printf '%s\n' "$current_line_file_type $current_line_file_path - ""Size: ""$current_line_file_size"" Bytes"" - ""Modified Date: ""$(eval $command3$current_line_file_mtime_in_seconds)" fi fi else line1="" line2="" for line in $(\ if [ -n "$dir1" -a -n "$dir2" ]; then\ Proc1;\ elif [ -z "$dir1" -o -z "$dir2" ]; then\ Proc2;\ fi;\ ); do if [ -z "$line1" ]; then line1="$line" line1_file_type="${line%%" ///// "*}" line1_file_mtime_in_seconds="${line##*" ///// "}" line1_file_type_path_and_size="${line%" ///// "*}" line1_file_size="${line1_file_type_path_and_size##*" ///// "}" line1_file_type_path="${line%" ///// "*" ///// "*}" line1_file_path="${line1_file_type_path#*" ///// "}" else line2="$line" line2_file_type="${line%%" ///// "*}" line2_file_mtime_in_seconds="${line##*" ///// "}" line2_file_type_path_and_size="${line%" ///// "*}" line2_file_size="${line2_file_type_path_and_size##*" ///// "}" line2_file_type_path="${line%" ///// "*" ///// "*}" line2_file_path="${line2_file_type_path#*" ///// "}" seconds_difference=$(($line2_file_mtime_in_seconds - $line1_file_mtime_in_seconds)) if [ \ \( "$line2_file_size" = "$line1_file_size" \) -a \ \( \ \( "$line2_file_mtime_in_seconds" = "$line1_file_mtime_in_seconds" \) -o \ \( "$seconds_difference" = "1" -o "$seconds_difference" = "-1" \) \ \) \ ]; then :; else printf '%s\n' "$line1_file_type $line1_file_path - ""Size: ""$line1_file_size"" Bytes"" - ""Modified Date: ""$(eval $command3$line1_file_mtime_in_seconds)" printf '%s\n' "$line2_file_type $line2_file_path - ""Size: ""$line2_file_size"" Bytes"" - ""Modified Date: ""$(eval $command3$line2_file_mtime_in_seconds)" fi fi done fi CleanUp fi
- 相對路徑
- 尺寸
- 修改日期
- 文件的相對文件路徑以 ’ ‘
- 文件的相對文件路徑以 ’ ‘
- 只比較文件,不比較目錄
- 應該在 Linux OS、Mac OS 上工作 - 無需安裝任何額外的工具