僅當相關目錄足夠舊(例如 +30 天)時,如何觸發 Ansible 任務?
僅當相關目錄足夠舊(例如 +30 天)時,如何觸發 Ansible 任務?
- name: backup biggest files #get difference between currentdate & last backup register: age
我知道我可以得到一個字元串或一個定義的 when 子句,但我不知道如何在這裡。
例如,如果超過 30 天,則列出創建新日期目錄的任務列表並自行進行備份(同步方法可能很好?)。我怎樣才能得到這個?
- 查找上次備份日期
- 查找目前日期
- 它們之間的算術差異
- 將該差異作為 yaml 文件中的任務中的 when 語句應用
- name: Check the last backup date shell: | #or find module register: lastone - name: Get current date for arithmetics shell: | echo $(date +%s) register: currentdate - name: Find ideal path to create new backup if last one is too old # define & create new directory if currentdate - lastone is over a numeric value (suffisant difference) when: "{{ currentdate | int - lastone | int }}" > 40000
--- - hosts: localhost become: true become_method: sudo become_user: francois tasks: - name: Check the last backup date shell: | date +%s -r $(find /mnt{1,2,3}/ -type d -name "backup.*[0-9]" 2> /dev/null | sort | tail -1) args: executable: /bin/bash register: lastone - name: Get current date for arithmetics shell: | date +%s register: currentdate - set_fact: difference: "{{ currentdate.stdout | int - lastone.stdout | int }}" - name: Find ideal path to create new backup if last one is too old shell: | find /mnt{1,2,3}/ -type d -name "backup.*[0-9]" 2> /dev/null | sort -n | tail -1 | sed "s/\.[0-9].*/\.$(date +%Y%m%d)/" args: executable: /bin/bash register: rep when: - difference | int > 4000 - name: Create path file: path: "{{ rep.stdout }}" state: directory mode: "0755" when: - rep is defined - difference | int > 4000
(此處為 3)。3
👨francois@💻zaphod🐙:~/GITLAB/dev/dev_ansible_serviceatonce$ ANSIBLE_NOCOWS=1 ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts roles/filebackup/filebackup.yaml PLAY [localhost] ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** TASK [Gathering Facts] *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************** ok: [localhost] TASK [Check the last backup date] ************************************************************************************************************************************************************ changed: [localhost] TASK [Get current date for arithmetics] ****************************************************************************************************************************************************** changed: [localhost] TASK [set_fact] ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** ok: [localhost] TASK [find ideal path to create new backup if last one is too old] *************************************************************************************************************************** changed: [localhost] TASK [create path] *************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** changed: [localhost] PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** localhost : ok=6 changed=4 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0 👨francois@💻zaphod🐙:~/GITLAB/dev/dev_ansible_serviceatonce$ ls -d /mnt3/backup.202106* /mnt3/backup.20210604 /mnt3/backup.20210610 /mnt3/backup.20210615 /mnt3/backup.20210621 /mnt3/backup.20210629 /mnt3/backup.20210630 👨francois@💻zaphod🐙:~/GITLAB/dev/dev_ansible_serviceatonce$
僅當相關目錄足夠老時如何觸發 Ansible 任務?…我的目標是如果
超過 30 天 …我已經根據給定的命名約定用目錄設置了一個小測試
$ ls -l drwxr-xr-x. 2 user group 4096 Jan 2 00:00 backup.20220102 drwxr-xr-x. 2 user group 4096 Jan 9 00:00 backup.20220109 drwxr-xr-x. 2 user group 4096 Jan 16 00:00 backup.20220116 drwxr-xr-x. 2 user group 4096 Jan 23 00:00 backup.20220123 drwxr-xr-x. 2 user group 4096 Jan 30 00:00 backup.20220130 drwxr-xr-x. 2 user group 4096 Feb 6 00:00 backup.20220206
目錄的touch -t YYMMDDHHMM.SS backup.YYYYMMDD
.$ stat backup.20220102/ File: ‘backup.20220102/’ Size: 4096 Blocks: 8 IO Block: 4096 directory ... Access: (0755/drwxr-xr-x) Uid: (1234/user) Gid: (1234/group) Context: unconfined_u:object_r:user_home_t:s0 Access: 2022-01-02 00:00:00.000000000 +0100 Modify: 2022-01-02 00:00:00.000000000 +0100 Change: 2022-02-06 09:00:00.000000000 +0100 Birth: -
模組開始。--- - hosts: test become: false gather_facts: false tasks: - name: Find directories older than 30 days find: paths: "/home/{{ ansible_user }}" file_type: directory age: 30d register: result - name: Show result debug: msg: "{{ item[0] }}" loop: - "{{ result.files | flatten(levels=1) }}" loop_control: extended: yes label: "{{ ansible_loop.index0 }}"
模組以檢索文件或文件系統狀態。要“查找”您目前的日期,您可以查看Ansible 事實。
--- - hosts: test become: false gather_facts: true tasks: - name: Show Gathered Facts debug: msg: "{{ ansible_facts }}"
TASK [Show Gathered Facts] ****** ok: [] => msg: ... date_time: date: '2022-02-06' day: '06' epoch: '1644142041' hour: '11' iso8601: '2022-02-06T10:07:21Z' iso8601_basic: 20220206T110721823347 iso8601_basic_short: 20220206T110721 iso8601_micro: '2022-02-06T10:07:21.823347Z' minute: '07' month: '02' second: '21' time: '11:07:21' tz: CET tz_offset: '+0100' weekday: Sunday weekday_number: '0' weeknumber: '05' year: '2022' ...