dpkg-reconfigure 中的“-plow”選項有什麼作用
我在 Unix stackexchange 上偶然發現了以下答案
,該選項與 一起使用dpkg-reconfigure
,但我在 dpkg 或 dpkg-reconfigure 聯機幫助頁中找不到任何關於它的資訊:
- http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man1/dpkg.1.html
- http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/cosmic/en/man8/dpkg-reconfigure.8.html
**-p***值*,**--優先級**=*值* 指定將顯示的問題的最低優先級。dpkg-重新配置 無論您的預設優先級是什麼,通常都會顯示低優先級的問題。看 [debconf](http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/cosmic/en/man7/debconf.7.html) (7) 獲取列表。
Another nice feature of debconf is that the questions it asks you are prioritized. If you don't want to be bothered about every little thing, you can set up debconf to only ask you the most important questions. On the other hand, if you are a control freak, you can make it show you all questions. Each question has a priority. In increasing order of importance: low Very trivial questions that have defaults that will work in the vast majority of cases. medium Normal questions that have reasonable defaults. high Questions that don't have a reasonable default. critical Questions that you really, really need to see (or else). Only questions with a priority equal to or greater than the priority you choose will be shown to you. You can set the priority value by reconfiguring debconf, or temporarily by passing --priority= followed by the value to the dpkg-reconfigure(8) and dpkg- preconfigure(8) commands, or by setting the DEBIAN_PRIORITY environment variable.