如何在 Calibre 中突出顯示文本?
根據 Calibre 一個 4 年前的論壇條目,他們在 4 年前開始研究能夠突出顯示文本的功能。有誰知道它是否已經實現以及如何使用它?
Kovid Goyal (kovid) wrote on 2012-11-19: Re: calibre bug 1080721 #1 The calibre viewer currently does not have support for highlighting. It is on my TODO list, but there is no time frame for when I will be able to get to it. status wontfix Changed in calibre: status: New → Won't Fix
還有其他票,例如這張:$$ Enhancement $$PDF 轉 Kindle 高亮。
Kovid Goyal (kovid) wrote on 2012-12-11: Re: calibre bug 1088580 #1 This is not worth the effort for me personally. If some one else wants to implement it, I will be happy to supply any needed guidance. If so, re-open the ticket and we can discuss it. status wontfix Changed in calibre: status: New → Won't Fix
還有這個:為台式電腦上的 calibre 電子書查看器開發熒光筆。
Kovid Goyal (kovid) wrote on 2012-12-25: Re: calibre bug 1093554 #1 This is not worth the effort for me personally. If some one else wants to implement it, I will be happy to supply any needed guidance. If so, re-open the ticket and we can discuss it. status wontfix Changed in calibre: status: New → Won't Fix
- 接受 Kovid Goyal 的提議並嘗試自己編寫程式碼
- 問他是否願意付費實施
- 看看其他人是否願意編寫程式碼