
是否有任何 IMAP/POP3 依賴和歸檔伺服器應用程序?

  • July 6, 2020


  [IMAP/POP3 >]  ---------> [EMAIL-CLIENT]

Is there any server application (open source) that would permit to store emails and act like a rely/proxy between the client and the mail server ?

 [IMAP/POP3 >]   --------->   [< IMAP/POP3 >]  ---------> [EMAIL-CLIENT]
   [Storage]                    [Storage]          

The purpose here is to keep emails data in a private location out of the main server and access it with a mobile/desktop clients (the email data would be kept at the “PROXY-RELY-SERVER” location only, client would connect to it, SMTP function is not needed). I found piler but i don’t know yet if it could work like that.

Otherwise is there any email client that can act like an IMAP server for other clients to fetch emails from it? Or a simple IMAP server that can fetch other mailbox?


您可能需要在“代理依賴伺服器”上安裝幾個MRA 和 MDA 。MDA將充當 POP/IMAP 伺服器(供本地使用 + 其他客戶端)。MRA (某種特殊的MUA)將從“真實郵件伺服器”獲取電子郵件並將它們儲存在 MDA 上。

您可以在許多系統之間進行選擇來實現這一點。我只能建議,目前,我將 Dovecot 用作 MDA,將 Getmail 用作 MRA。

缺點是所有電子郵件都應該在“真實郵件伺服器”上被刪除,因為沒有同步是 - 容易 - 可能的。這意味著你必須照顧備份……

$$ edit following you comment $$ 由於“代理依賴伺服器”不是常見的客戶端,而是某種伺服器盒(我猜),而且我是一個懶惰的人,我可以建議你看看ISPConfig女巫會做你需要的一切還有更多。它是穩定的(基於 debian 或許多其他發行版),有很好的文件記錄,易於安裝,易於使用,並且非常易於維護。
