給定一個 mime-type 獲取相應的文件副檔名
tmp="$(mktemp -t 'curl')" curl -o "$tmp" file -b --mime-type "$tmp"
這將列印下載文件的 mime 類型,但是如何將它們映射到副檔名?
如您所見,我不能只提取 url 的“副檔名”,因為那樣會給出
.我知道 mime 類型和文件副檔名之間沒有一對一的映射,但它應該處理正常的文件副檔名。
與 windows 不同,unix 一般沒有
file extensions
. 但是,您可以使用該/etc/mime.types
文件來提供這些翻譯:image/jpeg: jpg image/gif: gif image/png: png image/x-portable-pixmap: ppm image/tiff: tif
$ ext=$(grep "$(file -b --mime-type file.png)" /etc/mime.types | awk '{print $2}') $ echo $ext png
Bash 腳本採用一個參數 - 文件名,並嘗試使用 file 命令和系統 mime.types 文件根據其 mime 類型重命名它:
#!/bin/bash # Set the location of your mime-types file here. On some OS X installations, # you may find such a file at /etc/apache2/mime.types; On some linux distros, # it can be found at /etc/mime.types MIMETYPE_FILE="/etc/apache2/mime.types" THIS_SCRIPT=`basename "$0"` TARGET_FILE="$1" TARGET_FILE_BASE=$(basename "$TARGET_FILE") TARGET_FILE_EXTENSION="${TARGET_FILE_BASE##*.}" if [[ "$TARGET_FILE_BASE" == "$TARGET_FILE_EXTENSION" ]]; then # This fixes the case where the target file has no extension TARGET_FILE_EXTENSION='' fi TARGET_FILE_NAME="${TARGET_FILE_BASE%.*}" if [ ! -f "$MIMETYPE_FILE" ]; then echo Could not find the mime.types file. Please set the MIMETYPE_FILE variable in this script. exit 1 fi if [ "$TARGET_FILE" == "" ]; then echo "No file name given. Usage: ${THIS_SCRIPT} <filename>" exit 2 fi if [ ! -f "$TARGET_FILE" ]; then echo "Could not find specified file, $TARGET_FILE" exit 3 fi MIME=`file -b --mime-type $TARGET_FILE` if [[ "${MIME}" == "" ]]; then echo ${THIS_SCRIPT} $TARGET_FILE - Could not find MIME-type. exit 4 fi EXT=$(grep "${MIME}" "${MIMETYPE_FILE}" | sed '/^#/ d' | grep -m 1 "${MIME}" | awk '{print $2}') if [[ "$EXT" == "" ]]; then echo ${THIS_SCRIPT} ${TARGET_FILE} - Could not find extension for MIME-Type ${MIME} exit 5 fi if [ "${TARGET_FILE_EXTENSION}" == "${EXT}" ]; then echo ${TARGET_FILE} already has extension appropriate for MIME-Type ${MIME} exit 0 fi echo Renaming "${TARGET_FILE}" to "${TARGET_FILE}.${EXT}" mv "${TARGET_FILE}" "${TARGET_FILE}.${EXT}"