
使用 UFW 和 NAT 表的更好的 VPN killswitch?

  • October 22, 2016


給定 Raspberry Pi 上的以下介面:

  • eth0 ( - 專用網路(即 NAT)
  • wlan0 ( - 具有 Internet 訪問權限的公共網路(即 LAN)
  • tun0 (VPN) - VPN 連接


  • 拒絕所有入站流量:wlan0tun0(阻止傳入連接)

  • 路由所有出站流量從eth0tun0(阻止“橫向”連接;即沒有 LAN 訪問)

    • 如果tun0關閉,則不允許eth0使用wlan0(即 VPN killswitch)


在這一點上,我已經看到了許多使用 UFW 的“VPN killswitch”範例,它們都有一個共同的配置:

# Defaults
ufw default deny outgoing
ufw default deny incoming

# Allow local over ethernet (without VPN)
sudo ufw allow out to # Allow out to LAN
sudo ufw allow in to # Allow in to LAN

# Allow outgoing over ethernet to VPN
sudo ufw allow out to [VPN] port 1194 proto udp

# Allow outgoing over tun0
sudo ufw allow out on tun0 # Allow out over VPN


我的 NAT 範例(替代)

當然,在我的應用程序中,我有一個中間設備(Raspberry Pi)在執行,它充當路由器、防火牆、DNS 和 DHCP 伺服器以及 VPN 客戶端,所以它的設置略有不同。但是,似乎 NAT 表 ( /etc/ufw/before.rules) 處理ufw allow out/in to語句並且幾乎將所有來自eth0tun0(第二個目標項)的出站流量按原樣路由:

# NAT table to "forward" private network to VPN tunnel

這應該將來自專用網路 ( eth0) 的任何內容“轉發”到 VPN 隧道 ( tun0) 中,對嗎?還是我也需要FORWARD這裡的條款?


# Set defaults (also see /etc/default/ufw)
sudo ufw default deny incoming
sudo ufw default deny outgoing

# Allow incoming requests to DNS/DHCP services (UDP) on eth0 interface only (i.e. Private Network -> Pi:43,67/udp)
sudo ufw allow in on eth0 from any to any port 53,67 proto udp

# Allow incoming requests to SSH service (TCP) on eth0 interface only (i.e. Private Network -> Pi:22/tcp)
sudo ufw allow in on eth0 from any to any port 22 proto tcp

# Allow outbound on wlan0 interface for VPN traffic only (i.e. Pi -> LAN:1194)
sudo ufw allow out on wlan0 from any to any port 1194 proto udp

# Allow all outbound traffic on eth0 (i.e. Pi -> Private Network)
sudo ufw allow out on eth0

# Allow all outbound traffic on VPN tunnel only (i.e. Pi -> VPN)
sudo ufw allow out on tun0

在我單獨使用 NAT 表完成的測試(tracerouteping等)中,當我斷開 VPN 時,我可以看到我的出站 Internet 連接在 Raspberry Pi 處停止。但是,我仍在嘗試確認的是這是否涵蓋了所有可能的洩漏情況(即 DNS 等)。

注意:我也在使用dnsmasq,所以樹莓派也是 DHCP 伺服器發給私網客戶端的 DNS 伺服器。我想知道我需要做的只是配置僅dnsmasq轉發 DNS 查詢tun0(如果可能的話),或者轉而選擇轉發到公共 DNS(即、。此外,截至目前,此設置仍然阻止我的出站連接,但發出sudo ufw allow out on wlan0恢復該連接(VPN killswitch 仍然有效)。所以我覺得我已經很接近了,也許還有一些規則。



# Allow DNS queries
# [UFW BLOCK] IN= OUT=wlan0 SRC=192.168.10.x DST= LEN=66 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=50892 DF PROTO=UDP SPT=22617 DPT=53 LEN=46 
sudo ufw allow out on wlan0 from any to any port 53 proto udp


Status: active
Logging: on (low)
Default: deny (incoming), deny (outgoing)
New profiles: skip

To                         Action      From
--                         ------      ----
53,67/udp on eth0          ALLOW IN    Anywhere
22/tcp on eth0             ALLOW IN    Anywhere

1194/udp                   ALLOW OUT   Anywhere on wlan0
Anywhere                   ALLOW OUT   Anywhere on eth0
Anywhere                   ALLOW OUT   Anywhere on tun0
53/udp                     ALLOW OUT   Anywhere on wlan0


# Allow incoming requests to DNS/DHCP services (UDP) on eth0 interface only (i.e. Private Network -> Pi:43,67/udp)
sudo ufw allow in on eth0 from any to any port 53,67 proto udp

# Allow incoming requests to SSH service (TCP) on eth0 interface only (i.e. Private Network -> Pi:22/tcp)
sudo ufw allow in on eth0 from any to any port 22 proto tcp

# Allow outbound on wlan0 interface for DNS and VPN traffic only (i.e. Pi -> LAN:1194)
sudo ufw allow out on wlan0 from any to any port 53,1194 proto udp

# Allow all outbound traffic on eth0 (i.e. Pi -> Private Network)
sudo ufw allow out on eth0

# Allow all outbound traffic on VPN tunnel only (i.e. Pi -> VPN)
sudo ufw allow out on tun0

# Set defaults (also see /etc/default/ufw)
sudo ufw default deny incoming
sudo ufw default deny outgoing

這也與我/etc/ufw/before.rules在原始文章中提到的用於處理eth0 -> tun0“路由”的 NAT 表條目相結合。


# Force VPN by selecting public DNS

# Do not read from /etc/resolv.conf and friends for system DNS

# Do not poll /etc/resolv.conf and friends for system DNS

確認發送到的traceroute請求是通過 VPN 並通過配置(隱含 DHCP),客戶端將預設為其 DNS 使用 Pi,而 Pi 又使用此配置。

