如何在 linux 上安裝 gnuconio
我在這個網站上下載了 gnuconio ( http://sourceforge.net/projects/gnulinuxconioh/ )
我解壓縮了 zip 他給我以下文件:
bash-4.2$ ls Doxyfile READ-ME.txt conio.c conio.ppr constream titledoc.html Makefile READ-ME.txt~ conio.h conio_test.c constream_test.cpp+
我閱讀了 readme.txt
GNUCONIO 0.1 2012 Thanks for downloading the opensource and GPL license gnuconio-0.1 library. With this you can use colors, getch and others graphical functions based on the conio.h library, using the #include "conio.h" normally, in Windows or Gnu Linux systems. In Gnu Linux systems only copy the conio.h file to your programs folder to use it. You will need the NCURSES library to work on linux (libncurses-dev). In Windows you will need to compile the conio.c file, and use the conio.o file in your compiler library list. Tested on the compiler Code::Blocks. To start the conio use any function, except the printf and scanf. To end the program, make the text color == background color, and use the clrscr() function. Have Fun !
我不知道如何執行 readme.txt 中所說的內容。我直接在終端中編譯我的項目,我使用的是 Slackware 14.1 並安裝了 ncurses 庫。
gcc -c main.c gcc main.o some.o other.o files.o here.o -lncurses -o progname
對象和您需要的其他對象,並將它們與 ncurses 庫連結以提供progname
執行檔。無論如何,如果您只為 Linux 執行此操作,最好學習如何直接使用 ncurses 及其同類。您所指的軟體包是舊的(2012 年的最後一次更新),不在 Fedora 儲存庫中(這通常意味著它不符合標準),並且在完全可用且經過良好測試的 Unix 界面上粘貼了 Windows 特定界面.