ip6tables 將不接受 -d 目的地,但 iptables 將
我正在嘗試允許 IPv6 地址連接到我伺服器上的某個 IP,但不允許連接到其他 IP。以下不適用於 ip6tables,但僅適用於普通 iptables。但是,當我
-d xx.xx.xx.77
從 ip6tables 命令中刪除它時,它會起作用,這將允許這個 ip6 地址連接到我不想要的盒子上的任何 IP。ip6tables -I INPUT -d xx.xx.xx.77 -i enp2s0f0 -p tcp -m multiport --dports http,https -s 2400:cb00::/32 -j ACCEPT ip6tables v1.6.0: host/network `xx.xx.xx.77' not found
man ip6tables``-d
:[!] -s, --source address[/mask][,...] Source specification. Address can be either a network name, a hostname, a network IP address (with /mask), or a plain IP address. Hostnames will be resolved once only, before the rule is submitted to the kernel. Please note that specifying any name to be resolved with a remote query such as DNS is a really bad idea. The mask can be either an ipv4 network mask (for iptables) or a plain number, specifying the number of 1's at the left side of the network mask. Thus, an iptables mask of 24 is equivalent to A "!" argument before the address specification inverts the sense of the address. The flag --src is an alias for this option. Multiple addresses can be specified, but this will expand to multiple rules (when adding with -A), or will cause multiple rules to be deleted (with -D). [!] -d, --destination address[/mask][,...] Destination specification. See the description of the -s (source) flag for a detailed description of the syntax. The flag --dst is an alias for this option.
IPv6 無法連接到 IPv4。在 ip6tables 中,一切都需要是 ipv6