Clevo N141WU 風扇冷卻時的噪音
我剛從丹麥 PC 商店買了一台Clevo N141WU(在系統 76 上它被稱為 galago pro)。
我打電話給商店,他們的解決方案是一些 Windows 軟體,但 PC 沒有 Windows,我買它是為了執行 Linux(因為它與 galago pro 相同,我認為它會工作)。
由於筆記型電腦從 system76 執行 Linux,我認為它應該是可行的。
我應該安裝什麼讓它執行得更好,或者有人知道讓粉絲開心的 BIOS 技巧嗎?
我正在執行 Solus 3.X,其中 x 是您想花時間插入的許多九;-)
(在有關 system76 galago pro 的大聲風扇的執行緒中找到)兩次將打開和關閉風扇。這將消除聲音,直到下一個硬負載消失。自最初發布以來,我發現了兩件事:
- system76 有一些韌體更新,但誰知道他們是否願意將它發送給另一個經銷商的筆記型電腦(我會很好地問他們)
- System76 在 ubuntu 中有一個名為 system76-dkms 的軟體包,它可能提供風扇控制,但它不在 Solus 儲存庫中。(今晚我可能會在 Solus irc 中詢問包裝的工作原理。)
我使用下面的程式碼在 Windows 10 中取得了成功。它處理風扇可能出現的兩種故障,即:“風扇突然停止,風扇佔空比=0”和“風扇突然停止,rpm > 10000,並且可以聽到來自風扇的電雜訊”。它需要一個載入 Winring0 的程序,例如在後台執行的 ThrottleStop。我沒有在安裝了 Clevo Control Center 的情況下對其進行測試。它與 MinGW-w64 一起編譯
\yourmingwpath\i686-w64-mingw32-gcc.exe \yoursourcepath\main.c -o \yourexepath\main.exe -Wall -mwindows
#define UNICODE 1 #define _UNICODE 1 #include <windows.h> #include <winioctl.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stddef.h> #define OLS_TYPE 40000 #define IOCTL_OLS_READ_IO_PORT_BYTE CTL_CODE(OLS_TYPE, 0x833, METHOD_BUFFERED, FILE_READ_ACCESS) #define IOCTL_OLS_WRITE_IO_PORT_BYTE CTL_CODE(OLS_TYPE, 0x836, METHOD_BUFFERED, FILE_WRITE_ACCESS) #define EC_SC 0x66 #define EC_DATA 0x62 #define IBF 1 #define OBF 0 #define EC_SC_READ_CMD 0x80 typedef struct _OLS_WRITE_IO_PORT_INPUT { ULONG PortNumber; union { ULONG LongData; USHORT ShortData; UCHAR CharData; }; } OLS_WRITE_IO_PORT_INPUT; HANDLE hDevice = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; char filename[1024] = {0}; WORD WInp(WORD port) { FILE *outlog; unsigned int error = 0; DWORD returnedLength = 0; WORD value = 0; BOOL bResult = FALSE; bResult = DeviceIoControl(hDevice, IOCTL_OLS_READ_IO_PORT_BYTE, &port, sizeof(port), &value, sizeof(value), &returnedLength, NULL ); if (bResult) { /*outlog = fopen(filename, "ab"); fprintf(outlog, "port=%d, value=%d, retlength=%d\n", port, value, (int)returnedLength); fclose(outlog);*/ return value; } else { error = GetLastError(); outlog = fopen(filename, "ab"); fprintf(outlog, "DeviceIoControl (read) failed. Error %d.\n", error); fclose(outlog); CloseHandle(hDevice); return 0; } } WORD WOutp(WORD port, BYTE value) { FILE *outlog; unsigned int error = 0; DWORD returnedLength = 0; BOOL bResult = FALSE; DWORD length = 0; OLS_WRITE_IO_PORT_INPUT inBuf; inBuf.CharData = value; inBuf.PortNumber = port; length = offsetof(OLS_WRITE_IO_PORT_INPUT, CharData) + sizeof(inBuf.CharData); bResult = DeviceIoControl(hDevice, IOCTL_OLS_WRITE_IO_PORT_BYTE, &inBuf, length, NULL, 0, &returnedLength, NULL); if (bResult) { /*outlog = fopen(filename, "ab"); fprintf(outlog, "port=%d, value=%d, retlength=%d\n", port, value, (int)returnedLength); fclose(outlog);*/ return value; } else { error = GetLastError(); outlog = fopen(filename, "ab"); fprintf(outlog, "DeviceIoControl (write) failed. Error %d.\n", error); fclose(outlog); CloseHandle(hDevice); return 0; } } int wait_ec(const unsigned int port, const unsigned int flag, const char value) { int i = 0; unsigned char data = WInp(port); while (((data >> flag)&0x1)!=value) { Sleep(1); if (i>10) { //printf( "Still waiting on port 0x%x, data=0x%x, flag=0x%x, value=0x%x, i=%d\n", port, data, flag, value, i); return 0; } i++; data = WInp(port); } //printf( "Succeeded port 0x%x, data=0x%x, flag=0x%x, value=0x%x, i=%d\n", port, data, flag, value, i); return 0; } unsigned char read_ec(const unsigned int port) { wait_ec(EC_SC, IBF, 0); WOutp(EC_SC, EC_SC_READ_CMD); wait_ec(EC_SC, IBF, 0); WOutp(EC_DATA, port); wait_ec(EC_SC, OBF, 1); return WInp(EC_DATA); } void do_ec(const unsigned int cmd, const unsigned int port, const unsigned char value) { wait_ec(EC_SC, IBF, 0); WOutp(EC_SC, cmd); wait_ec(EC_SC, IBF, 0); WOutp(EC_DATA, port); wait_ec(EC_SC, IBF, 0); WOutp(EC_DATA, value); wait_ec(EC_SC, IBF, 0); return; } void write_fan_duty(int duty_percentage) { do_ec(0x99, 0x01, (int)(((double) duty_percentage) / 100.0 * 255.0)); //FILE *outlog = fopen(filename, "ab"); //fprintf(outlog, "Fan set to %d\n", duty_percentage); //fclose(outlog); return; } int main(){ // get the path of this executable and append "stdout.txt\0" to it for the log file. int i = GetModuleFileNameA(NULL, filename, 1024); for (;i>0 && filename[i] != '\\';i--) {} char *dest=&filename[i+1], *src="stdout.txt\0"; for (i=0;i<11;i++) dest[i]=src[i]; FILE *outlog; outlog = fopen(filename, "wb"); // clear the log at every start fclose(outlog); unsigned int error = 0; // I could loop CreateFile until a valid handle is returned (which means that WinRing0_1_2_0 got started by throttlestop) // but windows defender blocks the program at start for a few seconds with 100% core usage if i do that. Sleep(3000); // ... so this is what i have to do instead. Disgusting. hDevice = CreateFile(L"\\\\.\\WinRing0_1_2_0", GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (hDevice == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { error = GetLastError(); if (error == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) { outlog = fopen(filename, "ab"); fprintf(outlog, "CreateFile failed. Please retry as administrator.\n"); fclose(outlog); } else if (error == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { outlog = fopen(filename, "ab"); fprintf(outlog, "CreateFile failed. The WinRing0 driver is probably not loaded yet.\n"); fclose(outlog); } else { outlog = fopen(filename, "ab"); fprintf(outlog, "CreateFile failed. Error %d.\n", error); fclose(outlog); } return 0; } int val_duty, raw_rpm, val_rpm, temp, last_valid_duty=50; while (1) { val_duty = (int) ((double) (read_ec(0xCE)) / 255.0 * 100.0); raw_rpm = (read_ec(0xD0) << 8) + (read_ec(0xD1)); if (raw_rpm == 0) val_rpm = 0; else val_rpm = 2156220 / raw_rpm; temp = read_ec(0x07); //outlog = fopen(filename, "ab"); //fprintf(outlog, "FAN Duty: %d%%, FAN RPMs: %d RPM, CPU Temp: %d°C\n", val_duty, val_rpm, temp); //fclose(outlog); if (val_rpm > 10000 || val_duty == 0) { // there are two malfunctions that can happen: // - fan stops suddenly with fan duty=0 // - fan stops suddenly with rpm > 10000 with a electric noise that can be heard coming from the fan. outlog = fopen(filename, "ab"); fprintf(outlog, "MALFUNCTION DETECTED: val_rpm=%d, val_duty=%d\n", val_rpm, val_duty); fclose(outlog); // Panic :O if (last_valid_duty<80) { write_fan_duty(last_valid_duty+20); } else { write_fan_duty(last_valid_duty-20); } } else { // This is the custom fan curve code. Can be adjusted to your liking. // It's required because i don't know to to set the fan back to "automatic" without manual intervention. // Can definitely conflict with other fan speed programs, so be careful. // Writes to fan speed are limited to only if the target fan duty changes. if (temp<55) { if (last_valid_duty > 32 || last_valid_duty < 29) write_fan_duty(31); } else if (temp<60) { if (last_valid_duty > 42 || last_valid_duty < 39) write_fan_duty(41); } else if (temp<65) { if (last_valid_duty > 52 || last_valid_duty < 49) write_fan_duty(51); } else if (temp<70) { if (last_valid_duty > 62 || last_valid_duty < 59) write_fan_duty(61); } else if (temp<75) { if (last_valid_duty > 72 || last_valid_duty < 69) write_fan_duty(71); } else if (temp<80) { if (last_valid_duty > 82 || last_valid_duty < 79) write_fan_duty(81); } else if (temp<85) { if (last_valid_duty > 92 || last_valid_duty < 89) write_fan_duty(91); } else { if (last_valid_duty < 98) write_fan_duty(100); } last_valid_duty = val_duty; } Sleep(200); } return 0; }
我還沒有移植程式碼以在基於 linux 的 oses 中使用。這樣做需要:
- 用and替換
andWOutp(port, value)
函式,inb(port)``outb(value, port)
- 在此程式碼片段
的開頭添加,- 替換
,- 清理所有現在無用的包含、定義、結構和句柄,
- 替換