
/sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace 會在幾秒鐘後自行覆蓋。我怎樣才能在沒有重複的情況下收集它?

  • December 28, 2021

在 Linux (Ubuntu 18) 中設置function_graph跟踪器時,儲存在 /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace 中的跟踪僅儲存幾秒鐘,然後再覆蓋自身。


cat /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace >> total_trace




來自ftrace 文件


   The output is the same as the "trace" file but this
   file is meant to be streamed with live tracing.
   Reads from this file will block until new data is
   retrieved.  Unlike the "trace" file, this file is a
   consumer. This means reading from this file causes
   sequential reads to display more current data. Once
   data is read from this file, it is consumed, and
   will not be read again with a sequential read. The
   "trace" file is static, and if the tracer is not
   adding more data, it will display the same
   information every time it is read. This file will not
   disable tracing while being read


          Instead of displaying the contents of the "trace" file, use
          the "trace_pipe" file. The difference between the two is that
          the "trace" file is static. That is, if tracing is stopped,
          the "trace" file will show the same contents each time.

              The "trace_pipe" file is a consuming read, where a read of the file
              will consume the output of what was read and it will not read the
              same thing a second time even if tracing is stopped. This file
              als will block. If no data is available, trace-cmd show will stop
              and wait for data to appear.

