我的系統上有多個瀏覽器(Firefox、Google Chrome 和 Chromium)。
- 例如,假設我有 Firefox、Google Chrome 和 Chromium,並且我點擊 PDF 文件中的連結,並且 Chromium 已經打開。我希望在 Chromium 中打開連結。
- 在另一個時間,Firefox 是打開的。然後我希望在 Firefox 中打開連結。
以下 Python 程序使用psutil模組獲取屬於您的程序列表,檢查是否有已知瀏覽器正在執行,如果是,則再次啟動該瀏覽器。如果找不到瀏覽器,則啟動預設瀏覽器。我添加了一些註釋來澄清腳本中發生了什麼。
#!/usr/bin/env python import psutil import os import subprocess import sys import pwd def getlogin(): return pwd.getpwuid(os.geteuid()).pw_name def start_browser(exe_path): # Popen should start the process in the background # We'll also append any command line arguments subprocess.Popen(exe_path + sys.argv[1:]) def main(): # Get our own username, to see which processes are relevant me = getlogin() # Process names from the process list are linked to the executable # name needed to start the browser (it's possible that it's not the # same). The commands are specified as a list so that we can append # command line arguments in the Popen call. known_browsers = { "chrome": [ "google-chrome-stable" ], "chromium": [ "chromium" ], "firefox": [ "firefox" ] } # If no current browser process is detected, the following command # will be executed (again specified as a list) default_exe = [ "firefox" ] started = False # Iterate over all processes for p in psutil.process_iter(): try: info = p.as_dict(attrs = [ "username", "exe" ]) except psutil.NoSuchProcess: pass else: # If we're the one running the process we can # get the name of the executable and compare it to # the 'known_browsers' dictionary if info["username"] == me and info["exe"]: print(info) exe_name = os.path.basename(info["exe"]) if exe_name in known_browsers: start_browser(known_browsers[exe_name]) started = True break # If we didn't start any browser yet, start a default one if not started: start_browser(default_exe) if __name__ == "__main__": main()