#!/opt/tools/unsupported/expect-5.39/bin/expect set timeout 10 match_max 256 log_file report.txt expect_after eof {exit 0} spawn ssh -l user ip expect "(yes/no)?" { send "yes\r" } expect "password:" { send "password\r" } expect "~]#" { send "date\r" } set timeout 600 expect "~]#" { send "scp user@ip:/sometlink/AMM.tar.gz /somelink/\r" } expect "Password:" { send "password\r" } sleep 5 set timeout 3600 expect "~]#" { send "swadm install import AMM\r" } sleep 5 expect "~]#" { send "swadm install apply AMM\r" } expect "~]#" { send "swadm install show AMM\r"} expect -re "(.*)\r\nproduct-state=(.*)" foreach line [split $expect_out(1,string) \n] { if {[string match *Applied* $line]} { send_log "Product install of AMM ----------------------------- Passed" } else { send_log "Product install of AMM ----------------------------- Failed" } } expect "~]#" { send "date\r" } expect "~]#" { send "exit\r" }
它應該檢查 swadm install show AMM 的輸出
product-id=AMM product-name=Application Manager product-version=1.0.0 product-state=Applied product-description= NCL-list=AMMLV010
如果找到 Applied 單詞,則將安裝成功添加到測試文件中,如果沒有,則添加失敗。但它給了我其他部分的錯誤
invalid command name "else" while executing "else { send_log "Product install of AMM ----------------------------- Failed" ("foreach" body line 6) invoked from within "foreach line [split $expect_out(1,string) \n] { if {[string match *Applied* $line]} { send_log "Product install of AMM-----..."
expect "~]#" { send "swadm install show AMM\r"} expect "~]#" { if {[string match {*product-state=Applied*} $expect_out(buffer)]} { do-thing-1 } else { do-thing-2 } }
在“show”命令之後,只需等待下一個提示。然後,期望看到的所有內容都在 中
我發現了問題!它應該是 } else { 之間沒有新行。