
集群成員中出現 Corosync 錯誤“未定義介面”

  • June 18, 2019

我在集群成員上啟動 corosync 時出錯:

May 16 00:53:32 neftis corosync[19741]:  [MAIN  ] Corosync Cluster Engine ('2.3.4'): started and ready to provide service.
May 16 00:53:32 neftis corosync[19741]:  [MAIN  ] Corosync built-in features: dbus systemd xmlconf snmp pie relro bindnow
May 16 00:53:32 neftis corosync[19741]:  [MAIN  ] parse error in config: No interfaces defined
May 16 00:53:32 neftis corosync[19741]:  [MAIN  ] Corosync Cluster Engine exiting with status 8 at main.c:1278.
May 16 00:53:32 neftis corosync: Starting Corosync Cluster Engine (corosync): [FALL�]
May 16 00:53:32 neftis systemd: corosync.service: control process exited, code=exited status=1
May 16 00:53:32 neftis systemd: Failed to start Corosync Cluster Engine.
May 16 00:53:32 neftis systemd: Unit corosync.service entered failed state.
May 16 00:53:32 neftis systemd: corosync.service failed.
May 16 00:54:06 neftis systemd: Cannot add dependency job for unit firewalld.service, ignoring: Unit firewalld.service is masked.
May 16 00:54:06 neftis systemd: Starting Corosync Cluster Engine...
May 16 00:54:06 neftis corosync[19773]:  [MAIN  ] Corosync Cluster Engine ('2.3.4'): started and ready to provide service.
May 16 00:54:06 neftis corosync[19773]:  [MAIN  ] Corosync built-in features: dbus systemd xmlconf snmp pie relro bindnow
May 16 00:54:06 neftis corosync[19773]:  [MAIN  ] parse error in config: No interfaces defined
May 16 00:54:06 neftis corosync[19773]:  [MAIN  ] Corosync Cluster Engine exiting with status 8 at main.c:1278.
May 16 00:54:06 neftis corosync: Starting Corosync Cluster Engine (corosync): [FALL�]
May 16 00:54:06 neftis systemd: corosync.service: control process exited, code=exited status=1
May 16 00:54:06 neftis systemd: Failed to start Corosync Cluster Engine.
May 16 00:54:06 neftis systemd: Unit corosync.service entered failed state.

這是我在三個節點上的配置,但它在我最近添加的 netfis 中失敗了。

totem {
   version: 2
   secauth: off
   cluster_name: cluster-osiris
   transport: udpu

nodelist {
   node {
       ring0_addr: isis.localdoamin
       nodeid: 1

   node {
       ring0_addr: horus.localdoamin
       nodeid: 2

   node {
       ring0_addr: netfis.localdoamin
       nodeid: 3

quorum {
   provider: corosync_votequorum

logging {
   to_syslog: yes

我在 CentOS 7.1 64 位上執行起搏器、corosync、pcs 集群。



您在 Corosync 配置中列出的主機名是否正確解析?我將首先驗證這一點。

# host isis.localdoamin


此外,您可以使用短主機名(不帶“.localdomain”)或您希望 Corosync 綁定到的介面的 IP 地址。

由於 proxmox 在環回 ip 上為我的容器主機名添加了一條記錄,因此出現此錯誤消息,/etc/hosts如下所示:

# --- BEGIN PVE --- pgmaster
# --- END PVE ---

