

  • February 2, 2022

我的朋友告訴我,可以使用 -r 開關在目錄和子目錄中遞歸查找文件。請告訴我給定語句中的錯誤它不起作用

find / -type f -r -name "abc.txt"

它不起作用的原因是因為 find 沒有-r選擇。雖然對於許多程序來說-r標誌意味著“遞歸”是真的,但並非所有人都如此,find. 的工作find是搜尋文件和目錄,您通常不希望它是遞歸的。

man您可以使用該命令檢查大多數程序的選項。例如,man find。由於 find 的手冊很大,您可能需要在其中搜尋-r選項:

$ man find | grep -w -- -r

– 只是告訴 grep 停止讀取選項,沒有它,-r 將作為選項傳遞給 grep。此外,您可以在手冊頁中搜尋,方法是點擊/然後寫下您要搜尋的內容,然後輸入。


$ man cp | grep -w -- -r
  -R, -r, --recursive


  -maxdepth levels
         Descend at most levels (a non-negative integer) levels of direc‐
         tories below the command line arguments.  -maxdepth 0
          means only apply the tests and  actions  to  the  command  line

  -mindepth levels
         Do  not apply any tests or actions at levels less than levels (a
         non-negative integer).  -mindepth  1  means  process  all  files
         except the command line arguments.


$ man sort | grep -w -- -r
  -r, --reverse
$ man mount | grep -w -- -r,
  -r, --read-only
$ man awk | grep -A 8 -w -- -r
         Enable the use of interval  expressions  in  regular  expression
         matching (see Regular Expressions, below).  Interval expressions
         were not traditionally available in the AWK language.  The POSIX
         standard  added them, to make awk and egrep consistent with each
         other.  They are enabled by default, but this option remains for
         use with --traditional.
$ man sed | grep -w -- -r
  -r, --regexp-extended
$ man xterm | grep -w -- -r
  -r      This option indicates that reverse video should be simulated by
          swapping the foreground and background colors. 

