

  • October 9, 2019

在下面的腳本中,我要求使用者輸入日期範圍並應用該範圍來過濾find命令的結果。該命令適用於名稱包含日期的日誌文件,如filename-YYYYMMDD.gz. 一旦辨識出這些文件,就會被複製到一個新目錄中。

到目前為止,我所擁有的(例如,日期範圍-newermt 20190820 ! -newermt 20190826不會在 25 日或 26 日復製文件。



#Take input from user

read -p "Enter year (YYYY): " Y
read -p "Enter start month: " SM
read -p "Enter start day: " SD
read -p "Enter end month: " EM
read -p "Enter end day: " ED
read -p "Enter copy destination directory (with absolute path): " new_directory

# pad month and day numbers with zero to make the string 2 character long
SD="$(printf '%02d' $SD)"
SM="$(printf '%02d' $SM)"
ED="$(printf '%02d' $ED)"
EM="$(printf '%02d' $EM)"

# Make sure that the new directory exists
#mkdir -p new_directory

# Place the result of your filtered `find` in an array,
# but, before, make sure you set:
#IFS='\n'  # in case some file name stored in the array contains a space

       $(find /directory/log/ -name "test.file-*.gz" -execdir bash -c '
           filedate="$(basename ${0#./test.file-} .gz)";
           if [[ $filedate -gt $Y$SM$SD ]] && [[ $filedate -lt $Y$EM$ED ]]; then
               basename $0
           fi' {} \;

# loop over array, to copy selected files to destination directory

for i in "${array[@]}"; do
   # ensure that destination directory has full path
   cp "$i" "$new_directory"

我知道 find -newermt 命令正在查找在給定日期修改的文件,而不是文件名。如果您知道任何更好的方法,我將不勝感激。


如果你的意思是過濾 文件名中的日期,那麼你可以這樣做:


read -p "Enter year (YYYY): " Y
read -p "Enter start month number: " SM
read -p "Enter start day number: " SD
read -p "Enter end month number: " EM
read -p "Enter end day number: " ED
read -p "Enter copy destination directory (with absolute path): " new_directory

# Do some rule-based checking here. I.e. input variables above
# should conform to expected formats...

# pad month and day numbers with zero to make the string 2 character long
SD="$(printf '%02d' $SD)"
SM="$(printf '%02d' $SM)"
ED="$(printf '%02d' $ED)"
EM="$(printf '%02d' $EM)"

# Make sure that the new directory exists
mkdir -p "$new_directory"

# Place the result of your filtered `find` in an array,
# but, before, make sure you set:
IFS=$'\n'  # in case some file name stored in the array contains a space

       $(find /directory/log -name "filename-*.gz" -execdir  bash -c '
           filedate="$(basename ${0#./filename-} .gz)";
           if (("${filedate:-0}" >= "${1:-0}")) && 
              (("${filedate:-0}" <= "${2:-0}")); then
               echo "$0"
           fi' {} "$sdate" "$edate" \;) 

# loop over array, to copy selected files to destination directory
#for i in "${array[@]}"; do
#    # ensure that destination directory has full path
#    cp "$i" "$new_directory"

# ... or much cheaper than a loop, if you only need to copy...
cp "${array[@]}" "$new_directory"
