

  • October 15, 2016



*. The executable *may* mount a volume at a subdirectory of the path provided by the caller (say it's not an empty directory), eg $ARGX/$NEWPLACE
*. The executable *cannot* create directories ever.
*. The executable *cannot* create directories unless specified by the caller.
*. The executable *may* create directories specified by the caller if they do not exist.
*. The executable *must* mount a volume at /mnt/$OTHERPATH if the mount point passed by the caller is unavailable.
*. The executable *cannot* mount a volume at $BADPATH, $WORSEPATH, and the like, even if specified by the caller.
*. The caller *expects* the volume mounted at $ARGX
*. The caller *expects* to be alerted if the mount point is not empty
*. The caller *expects* the executable to abort on all errors.

原因是,看看各種發行版,它們不僅多年來發生了變化,而且它們對事情的發展方向都有自己的看法(這裡有點切線:不會 /mnt/ $ USER/ $ VOLUME 是層次結構的更好的全域解決方案,因為 /mnt 最初是用於掛載東西,並且為每個使用者擁有一個單獨的目錄會像 /home/$USER/ 那樣執行?)。回到主題,我想盡可能地保持與分佈無關(我意識到這就像要求讓所有人一直都開心)所以任何“規範”都會受到讚賞。謝謝。

我找不到專門引用安裝的規範,但**第 19 章。附加建議 - Linux 標準基礎核心規範,通用部分**似乎適用。

19.1.1. 目錄寫入權限

應用程序不應依賴在除 /tmp、/var/tmp 和呼叫使用者的主目錄之外的任何目錄中具有目錄寫權限。
