如何在 bash 腳本中的 SSH 中執行多行程式碼
我想執行下面的程式碼,但它在 vi 中用紅色突出顯示程式碼中的錯誤。在sudo ssh -t root@$ip << EOF line 之後出現錯誤。我在哪裡編寫錯誤的腳本?
#!/bin/bash cassandra_home=$(python -c "import json; print \",\".join(json.load(open('${repair.json}','r'))[\"cassandra_home\"])") iplist[@]=$(python -c "import json; print \",\".join(json.load(open('${repair.json}','r'))[\"iplist\"])") for ip in ${iplist[@]} do sudo ssh -t root@$ip << EOF for ip in ${iplist[@]} do echo Checking $ip for ongoing repairs ${cassandra_home}nodetool -h $ip tpstats | grep Repair# response=$? if [ $response -eq 0 ]; then repair_ongoing=true echo "Ongoing repair on $ip" fi done if ! [ $repair_ongoing ]; then ## echo "Taking a snapshot." ## ${cassandra_home}bin/nodetool -h $ip snapshot echo "Starting repair on $ip" start=$(date +%s) ${cassandra_home}bin/nodetool -h $ip repair -pr -inc -local metadata sleep 3 ${cassandra_home}bin/nodetool -h $ip cleanup metadata end=$(date +%s) #echo ",st,et,last run,status">>repair_status.csv echo "Repair and cleanup completed for metadata in $((end - start)) seconds" fi exit 0 EOF done
使用有一個 vim 外掛)它會告訴你
Line 18: EOF ^-- SC1039: Remove indentation before end token (or use <<- and indent with tabs).
#!/bin/bash cassandra_home=(`python -c "import json; print \",\".join(json.load(open('${repair.json}','r'))[\"cassandra_home\"])"`) iplist[@]=(`python -c "import json; print \",\".join(json.load(open('${repair.json}','r'))[\"iplist\"])`) for ip in ${iplist[@]} do sudo ssh -t root@$ip " for ip in ${iplist[@]} do echo Checking $ip for ongoing repairs ${cassandra_home}nodetool -h $ip tpstats | grep Repair# response=$? if [ $response -eq 0 ]; then repair_ongoing=true echo \"Ongoing repair on $ip\" fi done if ! [ $repair_ongoing ]; then ## echo \"Taking a snapshot.\" ## ${cassandra_home}bin/nodetool -h $ip snapshot echo \"Starting repair on $ip\" start=`date +%s` ${cassandra_home}bin/nodetool -h $ip repair -pr -inc -local metadata sleep 3 ${cassandra_home}bin/nodetool -h $ip cleanup metadata end=`date +%s` #echo \",st,et,last run,status\">>repair_status.csv echo \"Repair and cleanup completed for metadata in $end - $start seconds\" fi exit 0" done