如何增加編號WD my cloud(nfs 伺服器)中的 nfsd 執行緒數?為了更好的性能
WD my cloud 中只有 8 個預設的 nfsd 執行緒可用,這個沒有。不足以滿足我的要求。我想將預設 nfsd 執行緒增加到 20 個執行緒。為此,我首先通過 ssh 與 wd 我的雲連接。在網際網路上找到需要編輯 /etc/sysconfig/nfs 文件中的 RPCNFSDCOUNT 參數,但 sysconfig 文件夾不存在。Linux 版本是 3.10.39 armv7l。我怎樣才能增加沒有。nfsd執行緒?
/usr/sbin/rpc.nfsd [options] nproc
nproc specify the number of NFS server threads. By default, eight threads are started. However, for optimum performance several threads should be used. The actual figure depends on the number of and the work load created by the NFS clients, but a useful starting point is eight threads. Effects of modifying that number can be checked using the nfsstat(8) program.
Many of the options that can be set on the command line can also be controlled through values set in the [nfsd] section of the /etc/nfs.conf configuration file. Values recognized include: threads The number of threads to start. ...
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