diff -qr orig/ backup/
。但是,當我嘗試這樣做時,我發現遞歸不起作用,因為該命令列出了出現在一個但不是另一個中的文件夾,而不是文件。這是一個例子。首先,我創建了兩個文件夾,每個文件夾都有一個子文件夾和一個文件,其中每個子文件夾和文件都有不同的內容:$ mkdir orig $ mkdir backup $ mkdir orig/1 $ mkdir backup/2 $ echo 'blah' > orig/1/test.txt $ ls orig/1 test.txt $ echo 'blah1' > backup/2/test1.txt
$ diff -qr orig/ backup/ Only in orig/: 1 Only in backup/: 2
$ diff -r orig/1 backup/ Only in backup/: 2 Only in orig/1: test.txt
實際上,無論有沒有’-qr’,我都會得到相同的行為。這是一個錯誤還是我誤解了差異?我正在使用 diff (GNU diffutils) 3.7。
任何其他關於如何解決我的問題的建議將不勝感激(例如一個簡單的 python 腳本)。
import filecmp import os.path def find_unique_files(path_orig, path_duplicates, ommit_in_orig=[]): """ Crawls all subfolders of path_duplicates and returns list of files (incl. paths) that occur in path_duplicates but no-where in path_orig, except for folders listed in ommit_in_orig. Do not forget to add trailing '/' at the end of paths. Arguments: path_orig -- string path_duplicates -- string ommit_in_orig -- list of strings Returns: list of strings indicating paths to files. Example: find_unique_files('/home/user/project/', '/home/user/project/backups/', ommit_in_orig=['/home/user/project/backups/', '/home/user/project/temp/']) """ unique_files = [] for folder, subfolders, files in os.walk(path_duplicates): print(folder, end='\r') for file in files: unique = 1 filepath = os.path.join(folder,file) for folder1, subFolders1, files1 in os.walk(path_orig): # Check if folder1 is a subfolder of ommit_in_orig ommit = [s for s in ommit_in_orig if s.lower() in folder.lower()] if len(ommit) == 0: if file in files1: filepath1 = os.path.join(folder1, file) if filecmp.cmp(filepath,filepath1): # File is identical unique = 0 if unique == 1: unique_files.append(filepath) return unique_files path_orig = 'orig/' path_duplicates = 'backup/' find_unique_files(path_orig, path_duplicates)