
完全在 Nvidia 專用顯卡上執行您的 Linux(顯卡)?

  • March 31, 2022

我正在執行 ArcoLinux,幾個月來我一直在努力弄清楚如何在 Nvidia 專用 GPU 上完全執行我的Optimus 筆記型電腦。我該怎麼做呢?我聽說那裡有多種選擇,但我不知道如何解決!那麼如何在 Linux 上享受我強大的NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 Ti Mobile呢?

有什麼想法或設置可以幫助我在我的 Nvidia GPU 上執行任何與 GPU 相關的任務嗎?

我也有一段時間遇到這個問題,直到我發現了一個實用程序來完成這一切。您可以使用ArchWiki了解 Optimus 筆記型電腦的工作原理。然後你有多種選擇,但我建議執行optimus-manager 我用 Gnome 執行 ArcoLinux,我的規格也是:NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 Ti Mobile。我必須說它執行完美。到目前為止,我沒有遇到任何問題 - 至少 1 年。


Device 0 [NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 Ti] PCIe GEN 1@ 8x RX: 0.000 KiB/s TX: 0.000 KiB/s
GPU 360MHz  MEM 405MHz  TEMP  43°C FAN N/A% POW   2 W
GPU[||                                5%] MEM[||||                  0.413Gi/3.820Gi]
100│GPU0 %                                                                                                            │
  │GPU0 mem%                                                                                                         │
  │                                                                                                                  │
  │                                                                                                                  │
  │                                                                                                                  │
75│                                                                                                                  │
  │                                                                                                                  │
  │                                                                                                                  │
  │                                                                                                                  │
  │                                                                                                                  │
50│                                                                                                                  │
  │                                                                                                                  │
  │                                                                                                                  │
  │                    ┌───┐                                                                     ┌───┐               │
  │                ┌───┘   │                                                         ┌───┐       │   │               │
25│                │       │           ┌───┐       ┌───┐                             │   └───────┘   │               │
  │                │       │           │   │       │   │                             │               └─────┐         │
  │────┐     ┌─────┘       │   ┌───────┘   └───┐   │   │ ┌───────┐   ┌───────────┐   │                     │         │
  │                        └───┘                                                                                   └─│
 0│                                                                                                                  │
115254   me   0 Graphic   0%    104MiB   3%     1%    223MiB /usr/lib/brave-bin/brave --type=gpu-process --field-trial-
 1827   me   0 Graphic   0%     43MiB   1%     1%    447MiB /usr/bin/gnome-shell
114827   me   0 Graphic   0%     32MiB   1%     0%    160MiB /usr/lib/slack/slack --type=gpu-process --field-trial-hand
123952   me   0 Graphic   0%      8MiB   0%     3%     62MiB alacritty
164054   me   0 Graphic   0%      8MiB   0%     0%     57MiB alacritty


optimus-manager --status如果您完全在專用卡上執行,這是應該給出的輸出:

optimus-manager --status
Optimus Manager (Client) version 1.4

Current GPU mode : nvidia
GPU mode requested for next login : no change
GPU at startup : nvidia
Temporary config path: no



# This parameter defines the method used to power switch the Nvidia card. See the documentation
# for a complete description of what each value does. Possible values :
# - nouveau : load the nouveau module on the Nvidia card.
# - bbswitch : power off the card using the bbswitch module (requires the bbswitch dependency).
# - acpi_call : try various ACPI method calls to power the card on and off (requires the acpi_call dependency)
# - custom: use custom scripts at /etc/optimus-manager/ and /etc/optimus-manager/
# - none : do not use an external module for power management. For some laptop models it's preferable to
#          use this option in combination with pci_power_control (see below).

# Enable PCI power management in "integrated" mode.
# This option is incompatible with acpi_call and bbswitch, so it will be ignored in those cases.

# Remove the Nvidia card from the PCI bus.
# May prevent crashes caused by power switching.
# Ignored if switching=nouveau or switching=bbswitch.

# Reset the Nvidia card at the PCI level before reloading the nvidia module.
# Ensures the card is in a fresh state before reloading the nvidia module.
# May fix some switching issues. Possible values :
# - no : does not perform any reset
# - function_level : perform a light "function-level" reset
# - hot_reset : perform a "hot reset" of the PCI bridge. ATTENTION : this method messes with the hardware
#         directly, please read the online documentation of optimus-manager before using it.
#         Also, it will perform a PCI remove even if pci_remove=no.

# Automatically log out the current desktop session when switching GPUs.
# This feature is currently supported for the following DE/WM :
# GNOME, KDE Plasma, LXDE, Deepin, Xfce, i3, Openbox, AwesomeWM, bspwm and dwm
# If this option is disabled or you use a different desktop environment,
# GPU switching only becomes effective at the next graphical session login.

# GPU mode to use at computer startup.
# Possible values: nvidia, integrated, hybrid, auto, intel (deprecated, equivalent to integrated)
# "auto" is a special mode that auto-detects if the computer is running on battery
# and selects a proper GPU mode. See the other options below.
# GPU mode to select when startup_mode=auto and the computer is running on battery.
# Possible values: nvidia, integrated, hybrid, intel (deprecated, equivalent to integrated)
# GPU mode to select when startup_mode=auto and the computer is running on external power.
# Possible values: nvidia, integrated, hybrid, intel (deprecated, equivalent to integrated)


# Driver to use for the Intel GPU. Possible values : modesetting, intel
# To use the intel driver, you need to install the package "xf86-video-intel".

# Acceleration method (corresponds to AccelMethod in the Xorg configuration).
# Only applies to the intel driver.
# Possible values : sna, xna, uxa
# Leave blank for the default (no option specified)

# Enable TearFree option in the Xorg configuration.
# Only applies to the intel driver.
# Possible values : yes, no
# Leave blank for the default (no option specified)

# DRI version. Possible values : 2, 3

# Whether or not to enable modesetting for the nouveau driver.
# Does not affect modesetting for the Intel GPU driver !
# This option only matters if you use nouveau as the switching backend.


# Driver to use for the AMD GPU. Possible values : modesetting, amdgpu
# To use the amdgpu driver, you need to install the package "xf86-video-amdgpu".

# Enable TearFree option in the Xorg configuration.
# Only applies to the amdgpu driver.
# Possible values : yes, no
# Leave blank for the default (no option specified)

# DRI version. Possible values : 2, 3


# Whether or not to enable modesetting. Required for PRIME Synchronization (which prevents tearing).

# Whether or not to enable the NVreg_UsePageAttributeTable option in the Nvidia driver.
# Recommended, can cause poor CPU performance otherwise.

# DPI value. This will be set using the Xsetup script passed to your login manager.
# It will run the command
# xrandr --dpi <DPI>
# Leave blank for the default (the above command will not be run).

# If you're running an updated version of xorg-server (let's say to get PRIME Render offload enabled),
# the nvidia driver may not load because of an ABI version mismatch. Setting this flag to "yes"
# will allow the loading of the nvidia driver.

# Set to yes if you want to use optimus-manager with external Nvidia GPUs (experimental)

# Comma-separated list of Nvidia-specific options to apply.
# Available options :
# - overclocking : enable CoolBits in the Xorg configuration, which unlocks clocking options
#   in the Nvidia control panel. Note: does not work in hybrid mode.
# - triple_buffer : enable triple buffering.

# Enable Runtime D3 (RTD3) Power Management in the Nvidia driver. While in hybrid mode,
# this feature allows the Nvidia card to go into a low-power mode if it's not in use.
# - The feature is still experimental
# - It's only supported on laptops with a Turing GPU or above, and an Intel Coffee Lake CPU
# or above (not sure about the state of support for AMD CPUs).
# - if your Nvidia card also has an audio chip (for HDMI) or a USB port wired to it, they may not
# function properly while in low-power mode
# For more details, see
# Available options:
# - no (the default): RTD3 power management is disabled.
# - coarse: the card only goes to low-power if no application is using it.
# - fine: the card is also allowed to go to low-power if applications are using it but have not
# actively submitted GPU work in some amount of time.

# The Nvidia driver handles power to the video memory separately from the rest of GPU.
# When dynamic_power_management=fine, this options controls the threshold of memory utilization
# (in Megabytes) under which the memory is put in a low-power state.
# Values over 200MB are ignored. Leave blank for the default (200MB).
# Setting this value to 0 keeps the memory powered at all times.


                   /-                      me@machine
                  ooo:                     ----------
                 yoooo/                    OS: ArcoLinux
                yooooooo                   Kernel: 5.15.2-arch1-1
               yooooooooo                  Uptime: 4 hours, 18 mins
              yooooooooooo                 Packages: 1464 (pacman)
            .yooooooooooooo                Shell: zsh 5.8
           .oooooooooooooooo               Resolution: 1920x1080
          .oooooooarcoooooooo              DE: GNOME 40.4
         .ooooooooo-oooooooooo             WM: Mutter
        .ooooooooo-  oooooooooo            WM Theme: Adwaita
       :ooooooooo.    :ooooooooo           Theme: Arc-Dark [GTK2/3]
      :ooooooooo.      :ooooooooo          Icons: Sardi-Arc [GTK2/3]
     :oooarcooo         .oooarcooo         Terminal: alacritty
    :ooooooooy           .ooooooooo        CPU: Intel i7-10750H (12) @ 5.000GHz
   :ooooooooo   /ooooooooooooooooooo       GPU: Intel CometLake-H GT2 [UHD Graphics]
  :ooooooooo      .-ooooooooooooooooo.     GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 Ti Mobile
 ooooooooo-             -ooooooooooooo.    Memory: 5465MiB / 15762MiB (34%)
ooooooooo-                 .-oooooooooo.
ooooooooo.                     -ooooooooo

仔細按照 Arch Linux 桌面環境的安裝 Wiki進行操作,並確保在進行切換之前檢查常見問題解答,並且可能最終在 tty 中不知道該怎麼做。迄今為止最好的實用程序可用於處理 Linux 上的圖形卡。

願你的 htop 統計數據低,你的鬍鬚長長!:D
