SSH 錯誤:在具有 Alpine Linux 的容器中使用除 root 以外的任何其他使用者時無法綁定任何地址
我希望能夠以 root 以外的使用者身份啟動 Docker 容器,並能夠通過 ssh 進入它。當我以 root 身份啟動 sshd 時,我可以登錄它。當我將其切換為以另一個使用者身份啟動容器,然後嘗試以該使用者身份登錄時,我收到錯誤“無法綁定任何地址”。和“綁定到埠 22 上 :: failed: Permission denied.”。
我已將另一個使用者設置為具有 root 權限,但它仍然無法正常工作。
請注意,我試圖讓它在 Alpine Linux 中工作並將其用作 Fargate 任務 - 當 Fargate 最初連接到容器時,會立即傳入一個公鑰,該公鑰會被放入幕後的授權密鑰文件中。我還確保在 Fargate ssh 失敗時將其作為另一個使用者。在下面的實例中,我將其設置為 ernie。當我在下面的文件中將使用者設置為 root 並將 Fargate 程式碼更改為使用 root 作為使用者時,我可以很好地進入容器。將 ernie 設置為我收到錯誤的使用者是很麻煩的。
我的 Dockerfile :
FROM alpine:latest # Set the name of the user we want to use ENV LOGINUSER="ernie" # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Install and configure sshd.3 # # # # for reference. # # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------# RUN apk add --no-cache openssh-server bash shadow sudo\ && mkdir -p /var/run/sshd RUN adduser --disabled-password --gecos "" $LOGINUSER # RUN echo '%wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL' > /etc/sudoers.d/wheel RUN adduser $LOGINUSER wheel RUN cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config && echo "AllowUsers $LOGINUSER" >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config RUN echo "$LOGINUSER ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" > /etc/sudoers.d/$LOGINUSER RUN chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers.d #RUN echo 'PasswordAuthentication yes' >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config RUN echo 'root:dummy_passwd'|chpasswd EXPOSE 22 # change ownership of /etc/ssh to the user we want to use RUN sudo chown -R $LOGINUSER /etc/ssh RUN sudo chown -R $LOGINUSER /run ####################CREATE CUSTOM SSHD CONFIG ########################### RUN mkdir /opt/custom_ssh RUN chmod -R 777 /opt/custom_ssh/ # Need to chown to allow ernie access - remove for root to work again RUN chown -R $LOGINUSER:$LOGINUSER /opt/custom_ssh USER $LOGINUSER RUN ssh-keygen -f /opt/custom_ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key -N '' -t rsa RUN ssh-keygen -f /opt/custom_ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key -N '' -t dsa # This creates the keys in RUN ssh-keygen -A RUN echo 'Port 22' >> opt/custom_ssh/sshd_config RUN echo 'AuthorizedKeysFile /opt/custom_ssh/authorized_keys' >> /opt/custom_ssh/sshd_config RUN echo 'Subsystem sftp /usr/lib/ssh/sftp-server' >> /opt/custom_ssh/sshd_config RUN echo 'X11Forwarding no' >> /opt/custom_ssh/sshd_config RUN echo 'GatewayPorts no' >> /opt/custom_ssh/sshd_config RUN echo 'AllowTcpForwarding no' >> /opt/custom_ssh/sshd_config RUN echo 'StrictModes no' >> /opt/custom_ssh/sshd_config RUN echo 'PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes +ssh-rsa' >> /opt/custom_ssh/sshd_config RUN echo 'PubkeyAuthentication yes' >> /opt/custom_ssh/sshd_config RUN chmod 644 /opt/custom_ssh/sshd_config USER $LOGINUSER ENTRYPOINT ["/"]
我的 文件
#!/bin/sh # Needed for Fargate connection setUpSSH() { echo "DEBUG - I am in the setUpSSh function" echo "DEBUG - the public key passed in is $$SSH_PUBLIC_KEY" # Block the container to start without an SSH public key. if [ -z "$SSH_PUBLIC_KEY" ]; then echo 'Need your SSH public key as the SSH_PUBLIC_KEY environment variable.' exit 1 fi # Create a folder to store user's SSH keys if it does not exist. USER_SSH_KEYS_FOLDER=/opt/custom_ssh [ ! -d ${USER_SSH_KEYS_FOLDER} ] && mkdir -p ${USER_SSH_KEYS_FOLDER} # Copy contents from the `SSH_PUBLIC_KEY` environment variable # to the `$USER_SSH_KEYS_FOLDER/authorized_keys` file. # The environment variable must be set when the container starts. echo ${SSH_PUBLIC_KEY} > ${USER_SSH_KEYS_FOLDER}/authorized_keys echo " DEBUG - cat ${USER_SSH_KEYS_FOLDER}/authorized_key" # Clear the `SSH_PUBLIC_KEY` environment variable. unset SSH_PUBLIC_KEY } setUpSSH /usr/sbin/sshd -D -e -f /opt/custom_ssh/sshd_config # Start the SSH daemon #exec "$@"
只有 root 可以綁定到小於 1024 的埠。但是您的 ssh 守護程序沒有理由必須偵聽埠 22。您可以將其配置為偵聽任何其他大於 1024 的埠(在此案例中,2222 對於 SSH 很常見)。
如果您的客戶端確實必須連接到埠 22,那麼您只需在 ECS 任務定義中將外部埠 22 映射到內部埠 2222。請參閱此處的“埠映射”:https ://