scp 命令記錄錯誤
我正在從 server1 執行一個腳本,該腳本有責任根據使用 scp 命令的特定參數將文件從 server2(將是參數 ${Server})複製到 server3:
scp -p -qo StrictHostKeyChecking=no user@${Server}:/path/to/source/files/*${EAPdate}* user@hostname3:/path/to/destination/files/
腳本本身應該在執行時創建一個日誌。如果一切都按預期工作並且 EAPdate 參數按應有的方式鍵入 (YYYYMMDD),則複製命令按預期工作。
但是,如果參數鍵入為 (DDMMYYYY),則複製命令將失敗,並出現 No such file or directory 錯誤。
#!/bin/bash configuration_file=copy_EAP_files.ini hostname=$(hostname) script=$(basename "$0") start_time=$(date) start_seconds=${SECONDS} DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd )" LOGFILE="$(basename $0)_$(date +%Y.%m.%d_%H.%M.%S.log)" LOGPATH=${DIR}"/logs" mkdir -p ${LOGPATH} echo_with_timestamp_and_log() { message=$1 echo "$(date +"%Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S") ${message}" | tee -a ${LOGPATH}/${LOGFILE} } log_time () { echo -n "$(date +"%Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S") " } read_parameter() { variableToRead=$1 errorCodeToThow=$2 # read only lines begining with parameter name result="$(grep "^$variableToRead" ./${configuration_file} | cut -d' ' -f2)" if [ "${result}" == "" ]; then echo_with_timestamp_and_log "ERROR ${2}: $1 variable not found in *.ini file" exit $2 else echo "${result}" fi } echo_with_timestamp_and_log "Host: ${hostname}" echo_with_timestamp_and_log "Script: ${script}" echo_with_timestamp_and_log "Start time: ${start_time}" echo_with_timestamp_and_log "______________ Script start _______________" if [ "$#" -eq 0 ]; then Server=$(read_parameter Server 101) EAPdate=$(read_parameter EAPdate 102) elif [ "$#" -eq 2 ]; then Server=$1 EAPdate=$2 else echo_with_timestamp_and_log "Illegal number of parameters" exit 107 fi echo_with_timestamp_and_log "server = ${Server}" echo_with_timestamp_and_log "date = ${EAPdate}" echo_with_timestamp_and_log "Connecting to AIS server ${Server}" ssh -T $Server <<EOF | tee -a ${LOGPATH}/${LOGFILE} $(typeset -f log_time) log_time echo "${Server}: Copying the EAP files to designated FTP path" echo "" echo "${Server}: Copying the files..." scp -p -qo StrictHostKeyChecking=no user@${Server}:/path/to/source/files/*${EAPdate}* user@hostname3:/path/to/destination/files/ EOF echo_with_timestamp_and_log "______________ Script end _________________" elapsed_time=$((${SECONDS} - ${start_seconds})) readable_time="$((${elapsed_time}/3600)) h $((${elapsed_time}%3600/60)) min" echo_with_timestamp_and_log "Host: ${hostname}" echo_with_timestamp_and_log "Script: ${script}" echo_with_timestamp_and_log "End time: $(date)" echo_with_timestamp_and_log "Duration: ${readable_time}"
*現在,如果 scp 腳本會導致${EAPdate}*參數出現錯誤“沒有此類文件或目錄” ,則日誌將不會擷取此消息。而且我不明白為什麼-結果日誌沒有擷取腳本執行時在螢幕上看到的所有消息。
我錯過了什麼?我應該如何創建 scp 命令以根據執行在日誌中傳遞以下輸出:
- 成功: echo “文件複製成功!”
- 由於“沒有這樣的文件或目錄”錯誤而失敗:回顯“文件未成功複製!源路徑中沒有這樣的文件或目錄!”
man bash
,§pipeline如果使用 |&,命令的標準錯誤,除了它的標準輸出,還連接到…
ssh -T $Server <<EOF | tee -a ${LOGPATH}/${LOGFILE}
ssh -T $Server <<EOF |& tee -a ${LOGPATH}/${LOGFILE}