

  • December 23, 2017


Mail Command                    Description
-------------------------       ---------------------------------------------
t [message list]                type messages(s).
more [message list]             read message(s), through the $PAGER
n                               goto and type next message.
e [message list]                edit message(s)
f [message list]                give head lines of messages.
d [message list]                delete message(s).
s [message list] <file>         append message(s) to file.
u [message list]                undelete message(s).
R [message list]                reply to message sender(s).
r [message list]                reply to message sender(s) and all recipients.
p [message list]                print message list.
pre [message list]              make messages go back to /var/mail.
m <recipient list>              mail to specific recipient(s).
q                               quit, saving unresolved messages in mbox.
x                               quit, do not remove system mailbox.
h                               print out active message headers.
!                               shell escape.
| [msglist] command             pipe message(s) to shell command.
pi [msglist] command            pipe message(s) to shell command.
cd [directory]                  chdir to directory or home if none given
fi <file>                       switch to file (%=system inbox, %user=user's



雖然幫助文本可能不是特別清楚,h但是列出消息的命令。在後面放置一個有效的消息編號h將列出包含給定消息的一系列消息。例如,如果您有 50 條消息並鍵入h30,它可能會列出消息 21 到 40。


要僅顯示特定消息,您可以使用f各種限定符。因此,f*顯示所有內容,同時f 1-10 20-24顯示消息 1 到 10 和 20 到 24。
