
info 命令是否顯示手冊頁?

  • December 20, 2021

當我偶然發現該命令時,我正在尋找一種方法來遵循手冊頁中的“超​​連結”,該info命令似乎顯示的命令資訊與超連結相同,man但也允許您選擇超連結(遺憾的是沒有 vim 鍵綁定,但箭頭鑰匙工作)


man and info use different primary sources of information: man displays manpages, typically stored in /usr/share/man, while info displays Info documents, typically stored in /usr/share/info. Additionally, Info documents are normally available in a tree structure, rooted in /usr/share/info/dir, the “Directory node” displayed when you start info.

Whether a given manpage contains the same information as its corresponding Info document depends on who authored both. In some cases, they’re produced from a common source, or one is produced from the other; but in many cases they’re different.

info如果沒有找到 Info 文件,GNU將顯示一個聯機幫助頁。Pinfo還可以顯示 Info 文件和手冊頁,並在手冊頁中提供超連結;它的鍵綁定也可以配置為符合您的口味。
