
如何通過 CVS 查看 OpenBSD 網站?

  • October 12, 2013

我最近在 OpenBSD misc 郵件列表上讀到了這個:

"John Darrah" writes:
> Hi. Would it be possible to get SSL on the OpenBSD website(s)?
> It would be just a couple lines to change in nginx.conf/httpd.conf.
> SSL certificates are free from Startcom and cheap from other vendors.
> It would be really nice to have, even if it's not the default. I feel naked
> viewing the site over plain http. Thanks.

If you want encrypted access to the OpenBSD web site, do a CVS checkout and
view it locally...


這一切都在OpenBSD AnonCVS 頁面上進行了解釋。特別是在這種情況下:

$ cvs -d get www

這發生在 SSH 上,因此數據副本按照您引用的電子郵件交換中的承諾進行加密。


當您稍後要更新鏡像時,請進入www目錄並說cvs up.
