我需要生成並列印一個文件,其中大多數頁面列印在 A4 標籤上(來自列印機的旁路紙盤),一些分隔頁列印在普通 A3 紙上(來自另一個托盤)。
目前,我正在使用 Python 和 Reportlab,並且我知道如何生成具有混合頁面大小的文件(A4 用於首頁,A3 用於分隔頁)。但是當我用 evince 列印它時,我必須選擇一個頁面尺寸進行列印,並且所有頁面都在相同的頁面尺寸和同一個托盤上列印……
感謝 meuh 的幫助,我可以編寫一個簡短的 Python 程序,將我使用現有程序生成的 PDF 轉換為 PostScript 文件,並使用特定於設備的
#! /usr/bin/env python3 import argparse import re import subprocess import sys import PyPDF2 def make_postscript(f): """Convert a PDF file to PostScript, with pdf2ps, and yield it line by line.""" with subprocess.Popen(['pdf2ps', '/dev/stdin', '/dev/stdout'], stdin=f, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=None) as proc: for line in proc.stdout: yield line def add_device_control(postscript, separator_pages): """Add device control commands to a PostScript file with DSC comments.""" DSC_page_re = re.compile(b'%%Page: (?P<page_name>.+) (?P<page_number>[1-9][0-9]*)$') DSC_begin_page_setup_re = re.compile(b'%%BeginPageSetup$') page_number = None for line in postscript: m = DSC_page_re.match(line) if m: assert page_number is None page_number = int(m.group('page_number').decode('ASCII'))-1 yield line continue m = DSC_begin_page_setup_re.match(line) if m: assert page_number is not None yield line if page_number in separator_pages: yield b'mark { << /PageSize [1191 842] /ImagingBBox null /MediaType (Plain) /MediaPosition null >> setpagedevice } stopped cleartomark\n' elif page_number not in separator_pages: yield b'mark { << /PageSize [595 842] /ImagingBBox null /MediaType (Labels) /MediaPosition 0 >> setpagedevice } stopped cleartomark\n' page_number = None continue yield line assert page_number is None def walk_outline(outline, depth=0): """Walk through the outline of a PDF file in a depth-first search way, and yield each element with its zero-based depth.""" for obj in outline: if isinstance(obj, PyPDF2.pdf.Destination): yield depth, obj elif isinstance(obj, list): for result in walk_outline(obj, depth+1): yield result else: assert False def find_separator_pages(f): """Find the page number of the separator pages in a PDF file""" separator_pages = set() reader = PyPDF2.PdfFileReader(f) for depth, obj in walk_outline(reader.outlines): page_num = reader._getPageNumberByIndirect(obj.page) if depth == 0: assert page_num >= 0 separator_pages.add(page_num) return separator_pages def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("input_file", metavar="input.pdf", type=argparse.FileType('rb')) parser.add_argument("output_file", metavar="output.ps", nargs="?", type=argparse.FileType('wb'), default=sys.stdout.buffer) args = parser.parse_args() separator_pages = find_separator_pages(args.input_file) args.input_file.seek(0) postscript = make_postscript(args.input_file) postscript = add_device_control(postscript, separator_pages) for line in postscript: args.output_file.write(line) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
再次感謝 meuh 在評論中的幫助。