rsync 模式匹配名稱
我想 rsync 一堆文件,並在匹配要同步的內容時忽略名稱中的任何大小寫、空格、句點、破折號或下劃線差異。
因此,作為一個極端範例,“”將匹配“__THE- - -File—nam-e…”(假設大小和時間匹配)。
#!/bin/bash # ritem="$1" # [ user@ ] remotehost : [ / ] remotepath_to_directory shift rhost="${ritem/:*}" # Can be remotehost or user@remotehost rpath="${ritem/*:}" # Can be absolute or relative path to a directory # Get list of files on remote # echo "Looking in $rpath on $rhost" >&2 ssh -n "$rhost" find "$rpath" -maxdepth 1 -type f -print0 | while IFS= read -r -d $'\0' rfile do rkey=$(printf "%s" "$rfile" | tr -d '[:space:]_. -' | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') list[${rkey/*\/}]="$rfile" done # Get list of files from local and copy to remote # ss=0 echo "Considering $*" >&2 for lpath in "$@" do test -f "$lpath" || continue lfile="${lpath/*\/}" lkey=$(printf "%s" "$lfile" | tr -d '[:space:]_. -' | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') # Do we have a match in the map rfile="${list[$lkey]}" test -z "$rfile" && rfile="$lfile" # Copy across to the remote system echo "Copying $lpath to $rhost:$rpath/$rfile" >&2 rsync --dry-run -av "$lpath" "$rhost":"$rpath/$rfile" || ss=$((ss+1)) done # All done. Exit with the number of failed copies # exit $ss
範例用法 remotehost:remotepath localpath/*