
remind 解釋 $shell() 的輸出

  • September 24, 2018


  shell(s_cmd [,i_maxlen])
         Executes cmd as a system command, and returns the first 511
         characters  of  output resulting  from  cmd. Any  whitespace
         character in the output is converted to a space. Note that if
         RUN OFF has been executed, or the -r command-line option has
         been used, shell() will result in an error, and cmd will not be



$ echo REM Sep 13 2018 MSG test >/tmp/test.rem
$ tail -2 ~/.reminders
SET tmp shell("cat /tmp/test.rem", -1)


$ rem
Reminders for Thursday, 13th September, 2018 (today):


我假設這$tmp被解釋為一個隱含的REM …陳述。


您的問題不在於 shell() 函式,而是

a)使用您嘗試插入表達式/變數的方式 - 您應該使用[tmp]而不是$tmp


$ cat /tmp/foo.rem
SET var "REM Sep 13 2018 MSG test"
$ remind /tmp/foo.rem
/tmp/foo.rem(2): Can't nest MSG, MSF, RUN, etc. in expression
No reminders.


  o      You  cannot  use  expression-pasting to determine the type (MSG,
         CAL, etc.) of a REM command.  You can paste  expressions  before
         and  after  the  MSG, etc keywords, but cannot do something like
             REM ["12 Nov 1993 AT 13:05 " + "MSG" + " BOO!"]


SET tmp shell("cat /tmp/test.rem", -1)
REM [substr(tmp, 4, index(tmp, "MSG")-1)] MSG [substr(tmp, index(tmp, "MSG")+4)]

前提/tmp/test.remREM ... MSG ....

請注意,在提醒中,索引從 1 開始,而不是從 0 開始。


如果您的問題實際上是“如何在提醒文件中包含動態生成的內容”,您可以通過將 shell 命令的輸出重定向到臨時文件,然後包含該文件來做到這一點:

INCLUDE [shell("echo REM " + today() + " MSG hello > /tmp/foo.rem; echo /tmp/foo.rem")]

或者,您可以將INCLUDE命令與 fifo 一起使用,而不是使用正常文件,並有一個腳本在每次打開 fifo 時寫入它。


$ mkfifo /tmp/remind-fifo
$ while echo 'REM Sep 18 2018 MSG test' > /tmp/remind-fifo; do sleep 1; done &

將 替換echo為生成提醒命令所需的任何腳本(例如sh my_script > /tmp/remind-fifo)。

然後,在提醒文件中,您可以簡單地包含 fifo:

INCLUDE /tmp/remind-fifo

fifo 方法可以與其他具有包含機制的程序一起使用(例如C預處理器)
