“錯誤:程序 ID 列表語法錯誤”
我有一個 bash 腳本,它登錄到遠端伺服器,並檢查在該伺服器上執行的所需腳本的實例數
,然後回顯該腳本在該節點上消耗的總記憶體,以及一些匯總統計資訊,例如存在的總記憶體以及與腳本關聯的所有程序消耗的記憶體。這是程式碼:#!/bin/sh for server in servername; do ssh $server << EOF num_proc=0 sum_virt=0 procs=$(pgrep -f script.py) if [[ "$procs" ]]; then for pid in $(pgrep -f script.py); do x=`ps -p $pid -o %cpu,%mem,cmd,vsize` virt=`echo $x | cut -d " " -f 9` sum_virt=`echo "$virt + $sum_virt" | bc -l` let "num_proc++" done total_mem_cons=`vmstat -n -s | grep "used memory" | awk '{print $1}'` tot_mem=`vmstat -n -s | grep "total memory" | awk '{print $1}'` echo "Total Memory Consumption on node $server: $total_mem_cons" echo "Total memory on node $server: $tot_mem" else echo "No script.py process running on node $server" fi EOF done
error: process ID list syntax error Usage: ps [options] Try 'ps --help <simple|list|output|threads|misc|all>' or 'ps --help <s|l|o|t|m|a>' for additional help text. For more details see ps(1). (standard_in) 1: syntax error
此外,儘管我手動登錄伺服器時存在程序,但它似乎進入了 else 狀態。
ps -p $pid -o %cpu,%mem,cmd,vsize
’s 的循環有問題,但我真的不知道可能出了什麼問題。編輯:我使用以下測試程式碼來測試基本功能,這似乎也返回空:
#!/bin/sh for server in servername; do ssh $server << EOF num_proc=0 sum_virt=0 pgrep -f script.py | while read -r pid ; do echo "PID: $pid" done total_mem_cons=`vmstat -n -s | grep "used memory" | awk '{print $1}'` tot_mem=`vmstat -n -s | grep "total memory" | awk '{print $1}'` echo "Total Memory Consumption on node $server: $total_mem_cons" echo "Total memory on node $server: $tot_mem" EOF done
PID: PID: PID: Total Memory Consumption on node servname: Total memory on node servername:
man bash
可能不是 bash,但同樣適用於其他類似 Bourne 的 shell):The format of here-documents is: <<[-]word here-document delimiter No parameter and variable expansion, command substitution, arithmetic expansion, or pathname expansion is performed on word. If any charac‐ ters in word are quoted, the delimiter is the result of quote removal on word, and the lines in the here-document are not expanded. If word is unquoted, all lines of the here-document are subjected to parameter expansion, command substitution, and arithmetic expansion, the charac‐ ter sequence \<newline> is ignored, and \ must be used to quote the characters \, $, and `.
如果 word 沒有被引用,則 here-document 的所有行都經過參數擴展、命令替換和算術擴展
等等之類的東西將具有來自本地 shell 的值,而不是來自遠端 SSH 會話。錯誤error: process ID list syntax error
與命令替換中為空一致ps -p $pid -o %cpu,%mem,cmd,vsize
請注意,如果您引用了變數擴展 - 這是一個好習慣
ps -p "$pid" -o %cpu,%mem,cmd,vsize
list of process IDs must follow -p
- 這在此處文件之外,因此您也可以通過引用自身來防止任何擴展:word
for server in servername; do ssh $server << 'EOF' . . EOF done