

  • March 4, 2018

我們有幾台安裝了 Fedora 14 的台式電腦,但我們需要一個不需要每半年重新安裝一次的 Linux 發行版(不,dist-upgrade 不是一個選項)。我們找到了 Scientific-Linux,根據路線圖,我們有兩個選擇:

  1. 我們使用 GNOME 安裝 6.1,並將其用於桌面用途,我們將在 2017 年 11 月 11 日之前進行更新——超過 6 年!
  2. 我們安裝“滾動發布”

我沒有使用任何基於“滾動發布”的 Linux 發行版,所以我不知道這到底意味著什麼。是不是說我安裝一次,就再也不用因為版本升級而重新安裝了?比如Scientific-Linux 7出來了,我不需要做dist-upgrade?


Q. What is a "rolling" release?

A. The "rolling" releases are our test releases. They are the equivalent to what 
another vendor calls "rawhide". We call them rolling because they are always rolling 
along and rarely stable.
   They are not meant to be stable. They are not meant to be used in a production 
environment. They are for testing purposes only. Depending on where we are in our 
testing the rolling can be a beta, a release candidate, and for a short time, will 
even match a current release.
   The development team of Scientific Linux does not guarantee that a rolling 
release will work. We want to make that clear. Although the rolling releases 
might work just fine for the majority of the time, we might also just happen to be 
testing some product that does something you don't want it to do. 

與選項 #1 相比,滾動選項向您的系統引入重大不需要的更改的可能性要大得多。

不管怎樣,我向你保證,費米實驗室和 CERN 不會每 6 個月對他們的系統進行一次 dist 升級。Scientific Linux 通過提供其安全勘誤表儲存庫來支持這一點,其中包括您特定版本 SL 的安全更新檔。他們特別指出,這消除了管理員在每個版本中升級其係統的要求。

如何升級到最新的 SL 6.x 版本

Scientific Linux was designed so that an administrator can easily upgrade their 
computer between minor releases.

It is not required that administrators upgrade their release, because the security 
errata will be updated for all releases. But there are often features and/or 
packages included in later releases that were not available with the earlier 

